Saturday, November 7, 2009

UML Class Diagrams

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UML Class Diagrams

The Unified Modeling Language (UML) [Fowl03] is widely used for analysis and design of software applications. An important type of UML diagram is the class diagram. A class diagram describes the types of objects in a system and the various types of static relationships that exist among them.

Class A rectangular box denoting the name of the class and optionally its attributes and operations. Abstract classes' names are labeled in italics along with their corresponding abstract methods.

Operation. Operation names are written in the class boxes. They denote the methods of classes. Abstract operations, that is, those that only provide the interface for polymorphism, are denoted by italics.

Attributes. Attribute names are written in the class boxes. They denote the instance variables of a class.

Association. A line that connects classes. Associations can be optional or multiple. A number at the end of an association denotes its cardinality. Association of classes is used to show any type of class relationship except aggregation, composition, or inheritance.

Composition. A solid diamond shape at the termination of an association line denotes that the class at the other end of the association is part of the class and has the same lifetime.

Dependency. A dependency indicates that a class uses the interface of another class for some purpose.

Realization. A realization represents the relationship between a specification and its implementation.

Inheritance. Inheritance is denoted by a triangle at the top of an association line. The apex of the triangle points to the superclass.

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