Saturday, November 7, 2009

Review: How PCI Handles Configuration Accesses

[ Team LiB ]

Review: How PCI Handles Configuration Accesses

With the exception of chipsets, PCI devices generally power up (or come out of reset) disabled with respect to either generating transactions as bus master or decoding memory or I/O transactions as targets. This is because they are not aware of either their own plug-and-play addresses or those of other devices. The Configuration Read and Configuration Write transactions are the only ones a PCI device may decode following reset. Configuration cycles originate at the CPU, and instead of carrying conventional address information (which would be useless), these cycles start downstream carrying the following attributes about the target in the 32-bit address of the configuration read or write transaction:

  • Bus number the target resides on (0-255 decimal)

  • Device number of the target (0-31 decimal)

  • Function number inside the target (0-7 decimal)

  • Double Word Offset in target's configuration space (0-63decimal)

Note that while addresses are not known after reset, bus number and device number are functions of the board layout and ARE known.

TwoConfiguration Cycle Types

As PCI configuration cycles travel downstream, there are two variants: type 0 and type 1. The type is indicated in the lowest two bits of the 32-bit PCI address. Having two types is necessary because PCI devices don't know their bus number or device numbers and must depend on upstream bridges to help select them.

Type 1 Cycle Until Target Bus Is Reached

Starting at the host bridge, a type 1 configuration cycle is propagated downstream until it reaches the bridge with a secondary bus number equal to that of the configuration cycle bus number field. Type 1 configuration cycles are ignored by all devices except bridges which will claim them and pass them on to the next downstream bus if the bus number field of the configuration cycle is between the values programmed in the bridge's secondary and subordinate bus number registers.

Target Bus Bridge: Convert To Type 0; Assert IDSEL

The bridge owning the target secondary bus (based on the value programmed in its secondary bus number register) will convert the type 1 configuration cycle to a type 0. It will also check the device number field and assert the corresponding PCI IDSEL signal to the intended target; IDSEL acts as an explicit target device "chip select". There is a separate IDSEL signal for each device on a PCI bus; a target which detects IDSEL asserted at the same time a Configuration Read or Write cycle (type 0) occurs claims the transaction and uses the remaining information (Function number and Dword offset) to access its configuration space.

In many systems, the IDSEL signals routed to each device are actually upper bits on the AD bus which are otherwise unused in type 0 configuration cycle address phases.

An Example: A PCI Configuration Space Access

Figure 13-1 on page 310 illustrates the use of type 0 and type 1 cycles; in this example, assume the CPU is accessing Dword 1 in the configuration space of Function 0, Device 2, on PCI Bus 1

Figure 13-1. PCI Type 1 and Type 0 Configuration Cycles

Events In PCI Configuration Space Example (see Figure 13-1)

  1. Because the target bus is not bus 0, the North Bridge sends a type 1 PCI configuration cycle out on bus 0. The configuration type 1 cycle address phase includes target bus, device number, function number, and Dword offset.

  2. Only bridges are allowed to respond to type 1 configuration cycles. The PCI-PCI bridge claims the cycle because the bus number field (bus 1) is in its range of secondary-subordinate bus numbers.

  3. The PCI-PCI bridge also converts the cycle to a type 0 on bus 1 because its Secondary Bus Number register matches the bus number field (1). This, therefore, is the bus the target resides on.

  4. The PCI-PCI bridge also asserts IDSEL2 to the target during the address phase of the configuration cycle because the device number field indicates Device 2.

  5. Device 2 claims the type 0 configuration cycle based on the command type (configuration read/write, type 0) and the fact that IDSEL2 is asserted.

  6. Device 2 then uses the function number and Dword offset fields in the Configuration read/write address to internally target the specific function and configuration space offset.

    [ Team LiB ]

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