1. | Cem Kaner, James Bach, and Bret Pettichord, Lessons Learned in Software Testing (New York: Wiley, 2002), 1. | 2. | The root of many of these is IEEE STD 8291983. | 3. | For example, Beck 2000, op. cit. | 4. | Adapted from Brian Marick, "Classic Testing Mistakes," 1997, available at http://www.testing.com/writings/classic/mistakes.pdf. | 5. | Originally called context-driven testing by Kaner, Bach, and Pettichord (257), I've included it as part of the Value-Up Paradigm. | 6. | [Kaner 2003] "Cem Kaner on Scenario Testing," STQE Magazine, September/October 2003, 22, available at www.stickyminds.com. For a detailed view of Kaner's course on this subject, see http://www.testingeducation.org/BBST/ScenarioTesting.html | 7. | James A. Whittaker and Herbert H. Thompson, How to Break Software Security: Effective Techniques for Security Testing (Boston: Addison-Wesley, 2004). Whittaker and Thompson have identified 19 attack patterns that are standard approaches to hacking systems. | 8. | Boris Beizer, Software Testing Techniques (Boston: International Thomson Computer Press, 1990), 535. | 9. | James Bach has written extensively on the heuristics for defining when our software is good enough for its purpose. See http://www.satisfice.com/articles.shtml for a collection of his essays. | | 10. | Cem Kaner, private email. Malcolm Gladwell, The Tipping Point (Little Brown & Co., 2000), 141, has popularized the discussion, based on Mayor Giulini's use in New York City. The statistical evidence supporting the theory is disputable; see Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner, Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything (New York: HarperCollins, 2005). Nonetheless, the psychological argument that communities, including software teams, can become habituated to conditions of disrepair is widely consistent with experience. | 11. | Kaner, Bach, and Pettichord 2002, 18. | 12. | Hans Buwalda, "Soap Opera Testing," Better Software, February 2004, 3037, available at www.stickyminds.com. | 13. | Boris Beizer, Software Testing Techniques (Boston: International Thomson Computer Press, 1990), 9. | 14. | For a classic discussion of the risks of bad automation, see James Bach, "Test Automation Snake Oil," originally published in Windows Tech Journal (November 1996), available at http://www.satisfice.com/articles/test_automation_snake_oil.pdf. |
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