Tuesday, November 3, 2009


 < Day Day Up > 



TestSuite (see Figure B-10) is a class representing a collection of

Tests. Since it implements

Test, it can be run just like a

TestCase. When run, a TestSuite

runs all the Tests it contains. It may contain

both TestCases and other


A TestSuite can be constructed by giving it the

class name of a TestCase. The

TestSuite constructor uses reflection to find all

methods in the TestCase having names starting with

test. The code below adds all of

BookTest's test methods to a

TestSuite and runs it:

TestSuite test = new TestSuite( BookTest.class );

test.run( new TestResult( ) );

Tests also can be added to a TestSuite using the

addTest( ) method.

Figure B-10. The class TestSuite


public class TestSuite

extends Object

implements Test


TestSuite( )

A constructor that creates an empty TestSuite.

TestSuite(String name)

A constructor that creates an empty TestSuite with

the given name.

TestSuite(Class class)

A constructor that takes a Class, uses reflection

to find all methods with names starting with test,

and adds them to the TestSuite as test methods.

TestSuite(Class class, String name)

A constructor that creates a TestSuite with the

given name and all test methods found in the

Class, as described for the previous constructor.

Public Methods

void addTest(Test test)

Adds a Test to the TestSuite.

void addTestSuite(Class testClass)

Adds the test methods from the Class to the

TestSuite. Test methods are found using


int countTestCases( )

Returns the total number of test cases that will be run by this

TestSuite. Test cases are counted by recursively

calling countTestCases( ) for every

Test in this TestSuite.

static Test createTest(Class theClass, String name)

Creates an instance of Class as a

Test with the given name.

String getName( )

Returns the name of the TestSuite.

static java.lang.reflect.Constructor getTestConstructor(Class theClass)

Gets a constructor for the given Class that takes

a single String as its argument, or gets a

constructor that takes no arguments.

void run(TestResult result)

Runs the Tests in this

TestSuite and collects the results in


void runTest(Test test, TestResult result)

Runs Test and collects the results in


void setName(String name)

Sets the name of the TestSuite.

Test testAt(int index)

Returns the Test at the given index.

int testCount( )

Returns the number of Tests in this


java.util.Enumeration tests( )

Returns the Tests as an


String toString( )

Returns a string representation of this TestSuite.

Protected/Private Methods

private void addTestMethod(java.lang.reflect.Method m, Vector names, Class class)

A private method to add a test method to this


private static String exceptionToString(Throwable t)

Returns the Throwable's stack

trace as a string.

private boolean isPublicTestMethod(java.lang.reflect.Method m)

Returns TRUE if Method has

public access.

private boolean isTestMethod(java.lang.reflect.Method m)

A private method that returns TRUE if

Method has no arguments, returns

void, and has public access.

private static Test warning(String message)

Returns a Test that will fail and logs a warning



private String fName

The name of this TestSuite.

private Vector fTests

The Tests contained by this


     < Day Day Up > 

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