Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Programming
by Jamie Plenderleith and Steve Bunn 
McGraw-Hill/Osborne © 2009



SAFESEH flag, 369

SAL (Standard Source Code Annotation Language), 363–366

Save() method, 74, 115

schema changes, 387–388

schema comparisons, 388


cached, 193

DataTables, 128

XSD, 137–140

Schema View pane, 387

.sd extension, 386

SearchScope property, 212–213


access control, 341

audit logs, 348

checking for illegal keywords, 341

ClickOnce, 283, 291–293

dash use and, 342

exception management, 346–347

HTTP parameters, 347–348

improvements to compiled code, 366–372

restricting sensitive data, 341

semicolon use and, 342

Shatter Attacks, 255

SQL injection attacks, 336–342

stack-based buffer overruns, 367–369

vulnerabilities, 335–348

web applications, 336

web servers, 336

Windows applications, 291–293

XSS attacks, 342–346

Select…Case statement, 254

SelectedIndex property, 44

SelectedItemTemplate section, 23

Selection operators, 81

semicolon (;), 342

SeparatorTemplate section, 23


build, 378

dedicated build server, 319

Team Foundation Server, 374, 376–380

server-side XSLT transformations, 57–64

ServerTimeLimit property, 212

ServiceController class, 254, 255, 257–260

Service Control Manager, 246, 247, 253, 257

ServiceInstaller class, 249–250

ServiceProcessInstaller class, 249–250

Set operators, 81

shareable pointer support, 358–359

shared_ptr objects, 359

SharePoint portal, 379

SharePoint repository, 377

SharePoint Services infrastructure, 378

Shatter Attacks, 255

shelving, 378

Shifflet, Karl, 280

signed assemblies, 310–313

Silverlight 1.1, 21

single sign-on (SSO), 192

single-value properties, 208–209

SizeLimit property, 212

Skip() operator, 167

SkipWhile() operator, 168

Sleep() method, 180

Solution Explorer, 386

Solution Explorer view, 387

source code control

Team Foundation Server, 378

VS 2008, 375–376

source code management, 375

special characters, 129–130

SpinWait() method, 182–183

Splash dialog boxes, 304

SQL, 154, 155–158

SqlCommand object, 187–190, 340

SqlConnectionStringBuilder, 95–96

SqlDataSource control, 24

SQL injection attacks, 336–342

SQL INSERT statement, 111

SQLMetal code-generation tool, 155

SQLParameter object, 188

SqlParameter objects, 340

SQL queries, 169–170

SQL Server 2005 Express database

connecting to, 85, 92–93

database creation, 84–87

limitations, 85

SQL Server 2008

new features, 21–22

TFS support for, 380

transactions, 115–118

SQL Server CE database, 150–152

SQL Server Reporting Service, 379

SQL statements, 340–341

SQL-style code, 11–13

SqlTransaction type, 115–118

SSO (single sign-on), 192

stack-based buffer overruns, 367–369

stack corruption, 369

stack memory, 367–369

StackPanel panel, 33, 37–38

Standalone Debugger, 383

Standard Source Code Annotation Language (SAL), 363–366

Standard Template Library (STL), 351, 353–362

StartCounting() method, 179

Start() method, 180

static analysis, 362–363

STL (Standard Template Library), 351, 353–362

String class, 2–4

strings, 2–4, 7, 168–169

String type, 7

Style element, 48–49

Style object, 49

styles, 49

SubmitChanges() call, 157–158

SuccessAudit events, 251

SVsShell package, 374

SVsSolution package, 374

SVsUIShell package, 374

Sync Framework, 147–152


ADO.NET Sync Services, 147–152

Architecture Edition, 384, 385

Database Edition, 389

WPF and, 47

synchronization locks, 179

syndication feeds, 20

System.Data namespace types, 96–97

System.Data types, 96–97

System Designer, 385

system design (*.sd) files, 386

System Design template, 386

System.DirectoryServices namespace, 194–197

System.Linq namespace, 70

system state changes, 252–255

System.Transactions namespace, 118–119

System.Windows namespace, 29

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