Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Chapter 2: Optimizing Calculation Algorithms

Chapter 2: Optimizing Calculation Algorithms

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In this chapter, we will consider aspects of
assembly programming that make assembly language helpful and efficient
for the purpose of optimization. We assume that readers are familiar
with the system of commands of this language. In this chapter, we will
explore the fundamentals of building efficient data processing
algorithms in assembly language.

Assembly language is most often used for implementing
mathematical algorithms, for searching in the arrays and sorting them
quickly, and for optimizing repeated calculations. Tasks of this kind
are very common in developing C++ programs, and it is usually time
consuming to implement them.

In analyzing and building algorithms, we will use the
assembly commands up to those for Pentium IV processors. The latest
processor models include commands for processing data arrays quickly,
as well as complex commands, which enable you to optimize the
calculation algorithm itself.

Before plunging into the assembly programming, we
will clarify the development tools. For illustrating calculation
algorithms, we will use console applications created in C++ .NET, and
the algorithms themselves will be written in the built-in assembly
language of the C++ .NET 2003 programming environment. The program code
fragments in the built-in assembly language enable you to analyze the
calculation algorithms without having to study in-depth aspects of this
C++ tool (these issues will be covered in the following chapters).

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