The Companion Web Site
MySQL Cookbook has a companion web site that you can visit to obtain the source code and sample data for examples developed throughout this book:
The main software distribution is named recipes and you'll find many references to it throughout the book. You can use it to save a lot of typing. For example, when you see a CREATE TABLE statement in the book that describes what a database table looks like, you'll find a SQL batch file in the tables directory of the recipes distribution that you can use to create the table instead of typing out the definition. Change location into the tables directory, then execute the following command, where filename is the name of the containing the CREATE TABLE statement:
% mysql cookbook < filename
If you need to specify MySQL username or password options, put them before the database name.
For more information about the distributions, see Appendix A.
The Kitebird site also makes some of the examples from the book available online so that you can try them out from your browser.
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