Thursday, October 29, 2009

9.9 Applying Table Structure Information

I l@ve RuBoard

9.9 Applying Table Structure Information

9.9.1 Problem

It's all well and good to
be able to obtain table structure information, but what can you use
it for?

9.9.2 Solution

Lots of things: displaying lists of table columns, creating web form
elements, producing ALTER TABLE
statements for modifying ENUM or
SET columns, and more.

9.9.3 Discussion

This section describes some applications for the table structure
information that MySQL provides.

9.9.4 Displaying Column Lists

Probably the simplest
use of table information is to present a list of the
table's columns. This is common in web-based or GUI
applications that allow users to construct queries interactively by
selecting a table column from a list and entering a value against
which to compare column values. The various versions of the
get_column_names_with_show( ) or
get_column_names_with_meta( ) functions shown
earlier in the chapter can serve as the basis for such list displays.

9.9.5 Interactive Record Editing

Knowledge of a
table's structure can be very useful for interactive
record-editing applications. Suppose you have an application that
retrieves a record from the database, displays a form containing the
record's content so a user can edit it, and then
updates the record in the database after the user modifies the form
and submits it. You can use table structure information for
validating column values. For example, if a column is an
ENUM, you can find out the valid enumeration
values and check the value submitted by the user against them to
determine whether or not it's legal. If the column
is an integer type, you check the submitted value to make sure that
it consists entirely of digits, possibly preceded by a sign
character. If the column contains dates, look for a legal date

But what if the user leaves a field empty? If the field corresponds
to, say, a CHAR column in the table, do you set
the column value to NULL or to the empty string?
This too is a question that can be answered by checking the
table's structure. Determine whether or not the
column can contain NULL values. If it can, set the
column to NULL; otherwise, set it to the empty

9.9.6 Mapping Column Types onto Web Page Elements

Some column types such as
ENUM and SET correspond
naturally to elements of web forms:

  • An ENUM has a fixed set of values from which you
    choose a single value. This is analogous to a group of radio buttons,
    a pop-up menu, or a single-pick scrolling list.

  • A SET column is similar, except that you can
    select multiple values; this corresponds to a group of checkboxes or
    a multiple-pick scrolling list.

If you access the information for these types of columns using
SHOW COLUMNS, you can easily
determine the legal values for a column and map them onto the
appropriate form element automatically. This allows you to present
users with a list of applicable values from which selections can be
made easily without any typing. Earlier in this chapter we saw how to
get ENUM and SET column
metadata. The methods developed there are used in Chapter 18, which discusses form generation in more

9.9.7 Adding Elements to ENUM or SET Column Definitions

It's really a pain to add
a new element to an ENUM or SET
column definition when you use ALTER
TABLE, because you have to list not only the new
element, but all the existing elements as well. One approach for
doing this using mysqldump and an editor is
described in Recipe 8.3. Another way to accomplish
this task is to write your own program that does most of the work for
you by using column metadata. Let's develop a Python
that generates the appropriate ALTER
TABLE statement automatically when given a table
name, an ENUM or SET column
name, and the new element value. Suppose you want to add
"hot pink" to the
colors column of the item
table. The current structure of the column looks like this:

mysql> SHOW COLUMNS FROM item LIKE 'colors'\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Field: colors
Type: set('chartreuse','mauve','lime green','puce')
Null: YES
Default: puce
Extra: will use that information to figure
out the correct ALTER TABLE
statement and write it out:

% ./ item colors "hot pink"
MODIFY colors
set('chartreuse','mauve','lime green','puce','hot pink')

By having produce the statement as
its output, you have the choice of shoving it into
mysql for immediate execution or saving the output
into a file:

% ./ item colors "hot pink" | mysql cookbook
% ./ item colors "hot pink" > stmt.sql

You might choose the latter course if you want the new element
somewhere other than at the end of the list of values, which is where will put it. In this case, edit
stmt.sql to place the element where you want it,
then execute the statement:

% vi stmt.sql
% mysql cookbook < stmt.sql

The first part of the script
imports the requisite modules and checks the command-line arguments.
This is fairly straightforward:

#! /usr/bin/python
# - show ALTER TABLE statement for ENUM or SET column
# (assumes cookbook database)

import sys
sys.path.insert (0, "/usr/local/apache/lib/python")
import re
import MySQLdb
import Cookbook

if len (sys.argv) != 4:
print "Usage: tbl_name col_name new_element"
sys.exit (1)
tbl_name = sys.argv[1]
col_name = sys.argv[2]
elt_val = sys.argv[3]

After connecting to the MySQL server (code not shown), we need to run
a SHOW COLUMNS query to
retrieve information about the designated column. The following code
does this, checking to make sure that the column really exists in the

cursor = conn.cursor ( )
# escape SQL pattern characters in column name to match it literally
esc_col_name = re.sub (r'([%_])', r'\\\1', col_name)
# this is *not* a use of placeholders
cursor.execute ("SHOW COLUMNS FROM %s LIKE '%s'" % (tbl_name, esc_col_name))
info = cursor.fetchone ( )
if info == None:
print "Could not retrieve information for table %s, column %s" \
% (tbl_name, col_name)
sys.exit (1)

At this point, if the SHOW
COLUMNS statement succeeded, the information
produced by it is available as a tuple stored in the
info variable. We'll need to use
several elements from this tuple. The most important is the column
type value, which provides the enum(...) or
set(...) string containing the
column's current definition. We can use this to
verify that the column really is an ENUM or
SET, then add the new element to the string just
before the closing parenthesis. For the colors
column, we want to change this:

set('chartreuse','mauve','lime green','puce')

To this:

set('chartreuse','mauve','lime green','puce','hot pink')

It's also necessary to check whether column values
can be NULL and what the default value is so that
the program can add the appropriate information to the
ALTER TABLE statement. The code
that does all this is as follows:

# get column type string; make sure it begins with ENUM or SET
type = info[1]
if not re.match ('(enum|set)', type):
print "table %s, column %s is not an ENUM or SET" % (tbl_name, col_name)
# add quotes, insert comma and new element just before closing paren
elt_val = conn.literal (elt_val)
type = re.sub ('\)$', ',' + elt_val + ')', type)

# determine whether column can contain NULL values
if info[2] == "YES":
nullable = "NULL"
nullable = "NOT NULL";

# construct DEFAULT clause (add surrounding quotes unless
# value is NULL)
default = "DEFAULT " + conn.literal (info[4])

print "ALTER TABLE %s\n\tMODIFY %s\n\t%s\n\t%s %s;" \
% (tbl_name, col_name, type, nullable, default)

That's it. You now have a working
ENUM- or SET-altering program.
Still, is fairly basic and could
be improved in various ways:

  • Make sure that the element value you're adding to
    the column isn't already there.

  • Allow to take more than one
    argument after the column name and add all of them to the column
    definition at the same time.

  • Add an option to indicate that the named element should be deleted
    rather than added.

  • Add an option that tells the script to execute the
    ALTER TABLE statement
    immediately rather than displaying it.

  • If you have a version of MySQL older than 3.22.16, it
    won't understand the MODIFY
    col_name syntax used by You may want to edit the script
    to use CHANGE col_name
    syntax instead. The following two statements are equivalent:

    ALTER TABLE tbl_name MODIFY col_name col_definition;
    ALTER TABLE tbl_name CHANGE col_name col_name col_definition; uses MODIFY
    because it's less confusing than

9.9.8 Retrieving Dates in Non-ISO Format

MySQL stores dates in ISO 8601 format
(CCYY-MM-DD), but it's
often desirable or necessary to rewrite date values, such as when you
need to transfer table data into another program that expects dates
in another format. You can write a script that retrieves and prints
table rows, using column metadata to detect DATE,
columns, and reformat them with DATE_FORMAT( )
into whatever date format you want. (For an example, see Recipe 10.34, which describes a short script named that uses this technique to rewrite
ISO dates into U.S. format.)

9.9.9 Converting Character Columns Between Fixed-Length and Variable-Length Types

CHAR columns have a fixed length, whereas
VARCHAR columns are variable length. In general,
tables that use CHAR columns can be
processed more quickly but take up more space than tables that use
VARCHAR columns. To make it easier to convert
tables to use CHAR or VARCHAR
columns, you can use the information provided by
SHOW COLUMNS to generate an
ALTER TABLE statement that
performs the requisite column conversions. Here is a Python function
alter_to_char( ) that creates a statement for
changing all the VARCHAR columns to

def alter_to_char (conn, tbl_name):
cursor = conn.cursor ( )
cursor.execute ("SHOW COLUMNS FROM " + tbl_name)
rows = cursor.fetchall ( )
cursor.close ( )
str = ""
for info in rows:
col_name = info[0]
type = info[1]
if re.match ('varchar', type): # it's a VARCHAR column
type = re.sub ("var", "", type) # convert to CHAR
# determine whether column can contain NULL values
if info[2] == "YES":
nullable = "NULL"
nullable = "NOT NULL";
# construct DEFAULT clause (add surrounding quotes unless
# value is NULL)
default = "DEFAULT " + conn.literal (info[4])
# add MODIFY clause to string
if str != "":
str = str + ",\n\t"
str = str + \
"MODIFY %s %s %s %s" % (col_name, type, nullable, default)
cursor.close ( )
if str == "":
return None
return "ALTER TABLE " + tbl_name + "\n\t" + str

Suppose you have a table that looks like this:

c1 VARCHAR(10),
c3 VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'abc\'def'

If you pass the name of that table to the alter_to_varchar(
function, the statement that it returns looks like this:

MODIFY c2 char(10) binary NULL DEFAULT NULL,
MODIFY c3 char(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'abc\'def'

A function to convert columns in the other direction (from
CHAR to VARCHAR) would be
similar. Here is an example, this time in Perl:

sub alter_to_varchar
my ($dbh, $tbl_name) = @_;
my ($sth, $str);

$sth = $dbh->prepare ("SHOW COLUMNS FROM $tbl_name");
$sth->execute ( );
while (my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array ( ))
if ($row[1] =~ /^char/) # it's a CHAR column
$row[1] = "var" . $row[1];
$str .= ",\n\t" if $str;
$str .= "MODIFY $row[0] $row[1]";
$str .= ($row[2] eq "YES" ? "" : " NOT") . " NULL";
$str .= " DEFAULT " . $dbh->quote ($row[4]);
$str = "ALTER TABLE $tbl_name\n\t$str" if $str;
return ($str);

For completeness, the function generates an ALTER
TABLE statement that explicitly converts all
CHAR columns to VARCHAR. In
practice, it's necessary to convert only one such
column. MySQL notices the change of a column from fixed-length to
variable-length format, and automatically converts any other
fixed-length columns that have a variable-length equivalent.

9.9.10 Selecting All Except Certain Columns

Sometimes you want to retrieve
"almost all" the columns from a
table. Suppose you have an image table that
contains a BLOB column named
data used for storing images that might be very
large, and other columns that characterize the
BLOB column, such as its ID, a description, and so
forth. It's easy to write a
SELECT * query that retrieves
all the columns, but if all you need is the descriptive information
about the images and not the images themselves, it's
inefficient to drag the BLOB values over the
connection along with the other columns. Instead, you want to select
everything in the record except the
data column.

Unfortunately, there is no way to say directly in SQL,
"select all columns except this
one." You must explicitly name all the columns
except data. On the other hand,
it's easy to construct that kind of query by using
table structure information. Extract the list of column names, delete
the one to be excluded, then construct a SELECT
query from those columns that remain. The following example shows how
to do this in PHP, using the get_column_names_with_show(
function developed earlier in the chapter to obtain the
column names from a table:

$names = get_column_names_with_show ($conn_id, $tbl_name);
$query = "";
# construct list of columns to select: all but "data"
reset ($names);
while (list ($index, $name) = each ($names))
if ($name == "data")
if ($query != "") # put commas between column names
$query .= ",";
$query .= $name;
$query = "SELECT $query FROM $tbl_name";

The equivalent Perl code for constructing the query is a bit shorter
(and correspondingly more cryptic):

my @names = get_column_names_with_show ($dbh, $tbl_name);
my $query = "SELECT "
. join (",", grep (!/^data$/, @names))
. " FROM $tbl_name";

Whichever language you use, the result is a query that you can use to
select all columns but data. It will be more
efficient than SELECT * because
it won't pull the BLOB values
over the network. Of course, this process does involve an extra round
trip to the server to execute the statement that retrieves the column
names, so you should consider the context in which you plan to use
the SELECT query. If you're just
going to retrieve a single record, it might be more efficient simply
to select the entire row than to incur the overhead of the extra
round trip. But if you're selecting many rows, the
reduction in network traffic achieved by skipping the
BLOB columns will be worth the overhead of the
additional query for getting table structure.

    I l@ve RuBoard

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