Wednesday, November 11, 2009

SEI CMM Level 3: Defined

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SEI CMM Level 3: Defined

Key Process Area: Training Program

Measurements are made and used to determine the status of the training program activities.

Examples of measurements include:

  • Actual attendance at each training course compared to the projected attendance;

  • Progress in providing training courses compared to the organization's and project's training plans;

  • Number of training waivers approved over time.

Measurements are made and used to determine the quality of the training program.

Examples of measurements include:

  • Results of post-training tests;

  • Reviews of the courses from the students;

  • Feedback from the software managers.

Key Process Area: Software Product Engineering

Goal 1. The software engineering tasks are defined, integrated, and consistently performed to produce the software.

Activity 9. Data on defects identified in peer reviews and testing are collected and analyzed according to the project's defined software process.

Measurements are made and used to determine the functionality and quality of the software products.

Examples of measurements include:

  • Numbers, types, and severity of defects identified in the software products tracked cumulatively and by stage;

  • Allocated requirements summarized by category (e.g., security, system configuration, performance, and reliability) and traced to the software requirements and system test cases.

Measurements are made and used to determine the status of the software product engineering activities.

Examples of measurements include:

  • Status of each allocated requirement throughout the life of the project;

  • Problem reports by severity and length of time they are open;

  • Change activity for the allocated requirements;

  • Effort to analyze proposed changes for each proposed change and cumulative totals;

  • Number of changes incorporated into the software baseline by category (e.g., interface, security, system configuration, performance, and usability);

  • Size and cost to implement and test incorporated changes, including initial estimate and actual size/cost.

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