[ Team LiB ] |
Core DomainIn designing a large system, there are so many contributing components, all complicated and all absolutely necessary to success, that the essence of the domain model, the real business asset, can be obscured and neglected. A system that is hard to understand is hard to change. The effect of a change is hard to foresee. A developer who wanders outside his or her own area of familiarity gets lost. (This is particularly true when bringing new people into a team, but even an established member of the team will struggle unless code is very expressive and organized.) This forces people to specialize. When developers confine their work to specific modules, it further reduces knowledge transfer. With the compartmentalization of work, smooth integration of the system suffers, and flexibility in assigning work is lost. Duplication crops up when a developer does not realize that a behavior already exists elsewhere, and so the system becomes even more complex. Those are some of the consequences of any design that is hard to understand, but there is another, equally serious risk from losing the big picture of the domain: The harsh reality is that not all parts of the design are going to be equally refined. Priorities must be set. To make the domain model an asset, the model's critical core has to be sleek and fully leveraged to create application functionality. But scarce, highly skilled developers tend to gravitate to technical infrastructure or neatly definable domain problems that can be understood without specialized domain knowledge. Such parts of the system seem interesting to computer scientists, and are perceived to build transferable professional skills and provide better resume material. The specialized core, that part of the model that really differentiates the application and makes it a business asset, typically ends up being put together by less skilled developers who work with DBAs to create a data schema and then code feature-by-feature without drawing on any conceptual power in the model at all. Poor design or implementation of this part of the software leads to an application that never does compelling things for the users, no matter how well the technical infrastructure works, no matter how nice the supporting features are. This insidious problem can take root when a project lacks a sharp picture of the overall design and the relative significance of the various parts. One of the most successful projects I've joined initially suffered from this syndrome. The goal was to develop a very complex syndicated loan system. Most of the strong talent was happily working on database mapping layers and messaging interfaces while the business model was in the hands of developers new to object technology. The single exception, an experienced object developer working on a domain problem, devised a way of attaching comments to any of the long-lived domain objects. These comments could be organized so that traders could see the rationale they or others recorded for some past decision. He also built an elegant user interface that gave intuitive access to the flexible features of the comment model. These features were useful and well designed. They went into production. Unfortunately, they were peripheral. This talented developer modeled his interesting, generic way of commenting, implemented it cleanly, and put it into users' hands. Meanwhile an incompetent developer was turning the mission-critical "loan" module into an incomprehensible tangle that the project very nearly did not recover from. The planning process must drive resources to the most crucial points in the model and design. To do that, those points must be identified and understood by everyone during planning and development. Those parts of the model distinctive and central to the purposes of the intended applications make up the CORE DOMAIN. The CORE DOMAIN is where the most value should be added in your system. Therefore: Boil the model down. Find the CORE DOMAIN and provide a means of easily distinguishing it from the mass of supporting model and code. Bring the most valuable and specialized concepts into sharp relief. Make the CORE small. Apply top talent to the CORE DOMAIN, and recruit accordingly. Spend the effort in the CORE to find a deep model and develop a supple design�sufficient to fulfill the vision of the system. Justify investment in any other part by how it supports the distilled CORE. Distilling the CORE DOMAIN is not easy, but it does lead to some easy decisions. You'll put a lot of effort into making your CORE distinctive, while keeping the rest of the design as generic as is practical. If you need to keep some aspect of your design secret as a competitive advantage, it is the CORE DOMAIN. There is no need to waste effort concealing the rest. And whenever a choice has to be made (due to time limitations) between two desirable refactorings, the one that most affects the CORE DOMAIN should be chosen first.
The patterns in this chapter make the CORE DOMAIN easier to see and use and change. Choosing the COREWe are looking at those parts of the model particular to representing your business domain and solving your business problems. The CORE DOMAIN you choose depends on your point of view. For example, many applications need a generic model of money that could represent various currencies and their exchange rates and conversions. On the other hand, an application to support currency trading might need a more elaborate model of money, which would be considered part of the CORE. Even in such a case, there may be a part of the money model that is very generic. As insight into the domain deepens with experience, the distillation process can continue by separating the generic money concepts and retaining only the specialized aspects of the model in the CORE DOMAIN. In a shipping application, the CORE could be the model of how cargoes are consolidated for shipping, how liability is transferred when containers change hands, or how a particular container is routed on various transports to reach its destination. In investment banking, the CORE could include the models of syndication of assets among assignees and participants. One application's CORE DOMAIN is another application's generic supporting component. Still, throughout one project, and usually throughout one company, a consistent CORE can be defined. Like every other part of the design, the identification of the CORE DOMAIN should evolve through iterations. The importance of a particular set of relationships might not be apparent at first. The objects that seem obviously central at first may turn out to have supporting roles. The discussion in the following sections, particularly GENERIC SUBDOMAINS, will give more guidelines for these decisions. Who Does the Work?The most technically proficient members of project teams seldom have much knowledge of the domain. This limits their usefulness and reinforces the tendency to assign them to supporting components, sustaining a vicious circle in which lack of knowledge keeps them away from the work that would build domain knowledge. It is essential to break this cycle by assembling a team matching up a set of strong developers who have a long-term commitment and an interest in becoming repositories of domain knowledge with one or more domain experts who know the business deeply. Domain design is interesting, technically challenging work when approached seriously, and developers can be found who see it this way. It is usually not practical to hire short-term, outside design expertise for the nuts and bolts of creating the CORE DOMAIN, because the team needs to accumulate domain knowledge, and a temporary member is a leak in the bucket. On the other hand, an expert in a teaching/mentoring role can be very valuable by helping the team build its domain design skills and facilitating the use of sophisticated principles that team members probably have not mastered. For similar reasons, it is unlikely that the CORE DOMAIN can be purchased. Efforts have been made to build industry-specific model frameworks, conspicuous examples being the semiconductor industry consortium SEMATECH's CIM framework for semiconductor manufacturing automation, and IBM's "San Francisco" frameworks for a wide range of businesses. Although this is a very enticing idea, so far the results have not been compelling, except perhaps as PUBLISHED LANGUAGES facilitating data interchange (see Chapter 14). The book Domain-Specific Application Frameworks (Fayad and Johnson 2000) gives an overview of the state of this art. As the field advances, more workable frameworks may be available. Even so, there is a more fundamental reason for caution: The greatest value of custom software comes from the total control of the CORE DOMAIN. A well-designed framework may be able to provide high-level abstractions that you can specialize for your use. It may save you from developing the more generic parts and leave you free to concentrate on the CORE. But if it constrains you more than that, then there are three likely possibilities.
One way or another, creating distinctive software comes back to a stable team accumulating specialized knowledge and crunching it into a rich model. No shortcuts. No magic bullets. |
[ Team LiB ] |
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