Friday, November 13, 2009

How Fool's Gold Pans Out

[ Team LiB ]

How Fool's Gold Pans Out

In conclusion, we hold the following software truths to be self-evident (or evident after careful examination, anyway):

  • The success of a software project depends on not writing source code too early in the project.

  • You can't trade defect count for cost or schedule unless you're working on life-critical systems. Focus on defect count; cost and schedule will follow.

  • Silver bullets are hazardous to a project's health, though software industry history suggests that vendors will continue to claim otherwise.

  • Half-hearted process improvement is an especially damaging kind of silver bullet because it undermines future improvement attempts.

  • Despite its name, software isn't soft, unless it's made that way in the first place, and making it soft is expensive.

The software world has had 50 years to learn these lessons. The most successful people and organizations have taken them to heart. Learning to resist software's fool's gold consistently is one of the first steps the software industry needs to take on the road to creating a true profession of software engineering.

    [ Team LiB ]

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