Monday, November 2, 2009

Chapter 1. Database Applications and the Web

 < Day Day Up > 

Chapter 1. Database Applications and the Web

Most of the services we enjoy on the Web are provided by web database

applications. Web-based email, online shopping, forums and bulletin

boards, corporate web sites, and sports and news portals are all

database-driven. To build a modern web site, you need to develop a

database application.

This book presents a highly popular, easy, low-cost way to bring

together the Web and

databases to build applications.

The most popular database management system used in these solutions

is MySQL, a very fast and easy-to-use system distributed under an

Open Source license by its manufacturer, MySQL AB. We discuss MySQL

in detail in this book.

With a web server such as Apache (we assume Apache in this book,

although the software discussed here works with other web servers as

well) and MySQL, you have most of what you need to develop a web

database application. The key glue you need is a way for the web

server to talk to the database; in other words, a way to incorporate

database operations into web pages. The most popular glue that

accomplishes this task is PHP.

PHP is an open source project of the Apache Software Foundation and

it's the most popular Apache web server add-on

module, with around 53% of the Apache HTTP servers having PHP

capabilities.[1] PHP is particularly suited to

web database applications because of its integration tools for the

Web and database environments. In particular, the flexibility of

embedding scripts in HTML pages permits easy integration of HTML

presentation and code. The database tier integration support is also

excellent, with more than 15 libraries available to interact with

almost all popular database servers. In this book, we present a

comprehensive view of PHP along with a number of powerful extensions

provided by a repository known as PEAR.

[1] From the Security Space web server

survey, Apache module report,

(1 December 2003).

Apache, MySQL, and PHP can run on a wide variety of operating

systems. In this book, we show you how to use them on Linux, Mac OS

X, and Microsoft Windows.

This is an introductory book, but it gives you the sophisticated

knowledge you need to build applications properly. This includes

critical tasks such as checking user input, handling errors robustly,

and locking your database operations to avoid data corruption. Most

importantly, we explain the principles behind good web database

applications. You'll finish the book with not only

the technical skills to create an application, but also an

appreciation for the strategies that make an application secure,

reliable, maintainable, and expandable.

     < Day Day Up > 

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