Monday, November 2, 2009

7.3 Standards for Accounts

for Ru-Brd & DownSky


7.3 Standards for Accounts

You need to determine the mechanism for
the creation of new accounts. There are many possible mechanisms. One form
of account creation that is gaining popularity is for a company to enable
"restricted" access to their sites on the World Wide Web. A person who
wants to access a more privileged area of a web site might be required to
register with that site through electronic registration. The person is
presented with a form requesting his name, company name, address, email
address, and other information. He might be prompted to select a username
and password. He submits the completed form and, within some space of
time, receives in his email account an acknowledgment that he has
registered, along with notification or verification of a username and a
password for his use in accessing the site. At no time has the person seen
or talked to a human being, but he has now been authorized as a user on a

In this example of web site access, we are not judging the procedure or
security. (If we were, we might question sending a password via email.) We
are merely outlining a general method of a request for an account in which
the requester and the administrator have never seen or spoken with each
other. Other forms of more anonymous account requests would be via
telephone voice mail or electronic mail. On a more personal level, a
meeting might be held between the administrator and the requester.

7.3.1 Possible Account Requests

The policy
team or higher-level management must decide whether access to the database
can be granted through an electronic request, or whether some level of
management must physically sign a form acknowledging that the employee
seeking entry into the system is a valid employee with a proven need to
interact with a specific application area. The authorization required
might even be as casual as a user picking up a telephone or walking into a
designated person's office and saying, "I need access to xyz system" and
receiving an account on that system. Thus, we see that account requests
might be generated through a number of different venues (or a combination
of several of the approaches listed here):

  • Electronic requests via a web site or email

  • Telephone

  • Hardcopy form—with or without a signature of authorization

  • Personal interaction with a verbal request

  • Personal interaction with a hardcopy form

7.3.2 Contents of the Form

If a physical record must be made available for future auditing of the
system, you need to create a form for that purpose. The security plan
would include a copy of the form. A form might include the following

  • The requester's full name

  • Physical location

  • Telephone number

  • Employee number

  • Username and initial password

  • Access required

  • Platform to access

  • Database to access

  • Type of work to be performed

  • Signature of person authorized to approve the request

  • Date by which the account is needed

A sample form might be as simple as the one shown in Figure

Figure 7.1. A simple user account request form

7.3.3 Ways to Create an Account

There are several possible approaches to creating accounts; for
example, you could develop a utility to be used by one or more people to
create the accounts on one or more systems. An alternative would be for
each system administrator and each database administrator to interactively
create the requested accounts for their system. Some applications support
registration of users within the application and then rely on a single
logon to the database. Once a user has logged on to the application, the
application connects to the database using a single "super user" account.
In this scenario, each application administrator might be in charge of
creating the user registrations within his application. The routine that
could be activated through a command procedure might be quite simple. The
SQL code might look like this:

PROMPT You will be prompted for a username and password.
CREATE USER &&username
PROMPT You will be prompted to enter the list of privileges associated
PROMPT with this user
GRANT &privileges TO &&username;

This is obviously a very rudimentary routine, shown here only to convey
the idea of a possible script. You will probably want a much more robust
utility at your site.

for Ru-Brd & DownSky

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