Recipe 8.10. Getting a Human-Readable Printout of Any Object
You want to look at a natural-looking rendition of a given object.
Use Object#inspect. Nearly all the time, this method will give you something more readable than simply printing out the object or converting it into a string.
a = [1,2,3] puts a # 1 # 2 # 3
puts a.to_s # 123
puts a.inspect # [1, 2, 3] puts /foo/ # (?-mix:foo) puts /foo/.inspect # /foo/ f ='foo', 'a') puts f # #<File:0xb7c31c30> puts f.inspect # #<File:foo>
Even very complex data structures can be inspected and come out looking just like they would in Ruby code to define that data structure. In some cases, you can even run the output of inspect through eval to recreate the object.
periodic_table = [{ :symbol => "H", :name => "hydrogen", :weight => 1.007 }, { :symbol => "Rg", :name => "roentgenium", :weight => 272 }] puts periodic_table.inspect # [{:symbol=>"H", :name=>"hydrogen", :weight=>1.007}, # {:symbol=>"Rg", :name=>"roentgenium", :weight=>272}]
eval(periodic_table.inspect)[0] # => {:symbol=>"H", :name=>"hydrogen", :weight=>1.007}
By default, an object's inspect method works the same way as its to_s method. Unless your classes override inspect, inspecting one of your objects will yield a boring and not terribly helpful string, containing only the object's class name, object_id, and instance variables:
class Dog def initialize(name, age) @name = name @age = age * 7 #Compensate for dog years end end
spot ="Spot", 2.1) spot.inspect # => "#<Dog:0xb7c16bec @name="Spot", @age=14.7>"
That's why you'll help out your future self by defining useful inspect methods that give relevant information about the objects you'll be instantiating.
class Dog def inspect "<A Dog named #{@name} who's #{@age} in dog years.>" end def to_s inspect end end spot.inspect # => "<A Dog named Spot who's 14.7 in dog years.>"
Or, if you believe in being able to eval the output of inspect:
class Dog def inspect %{"#{@name}", #{@age/7})} end end spot.inspect # => ""Spot", 2.1)" eval(spot.inspect).inspect # => ""Spot", 2.1)"
Just don't automatically eval the output of inspect, because, as always, that's dangerous:
strange_dog_name = %{Spot", 0); puts "Executing arbitrary Ruby…"; puts("} spot =, 0) puts spot.inspect #"Spot", 0); puts "Executing arbitrary Ruby…"; puts("", 0) eval(spot.inspect) # Executing arbitrary Ruby… # # 0
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