Saturday, October 24, 2009

A.1 Borland C++ Builder and Kylix



A.1 Borland C++ Builder and Kylix

Borland has several extensions to C++ to support its Rapid

Application Development products: C++ Builder (for Microsoft Windows)

and Kylix (for Linux). This section presents highlights of the

RAD extensions.

_ _closure

In C++ Builder, a closure is like a pointer to a member function that

has been bound to a specific object. Given a closure, you can call it

the way you would call an ordinary function. To declare a closure

type or object, use _ _closure as a modifier for

the name of a function pointer:

typedef int (* _  _closure MemFunc)(int);

MemFunc func;

struct demo {

int sqr(int x) { return x * x; }


demo d;

func = d.sqr;

int n = func(10); // n = 100

_ _declspec

The _ _declspec keyword takes an attribute in

parentheses and serves as a declaration specifier. Depending on the

attribute, it can be used to modify a function, object, or class. For

example, _ _declspec(noreturn) is a function

specifier that tells the compiler that the function does not return,

which permits additional optimization and error-checking (for

example, eliminating statements that follow a call to the

noreturn function):

void _  _declspec(noreturn) abort(  );

Other attributes include:


A storage-class specifier that declares an object to be local to a

thread; that is, each runtime thread has a separate copy of the



A function specifier that tells the linker to export the function

name from a dynamic-link library (DLL).

uuid( string-literal)

Modifies a class declaration. It associates a universally unique

identifier (UUID) with the class, which is required for implementing

COM objects in Windows. A class's UUID can be

retrieved with the _ _uuidof operator.

_ _int64

The _ _int64 type is a 64-bit integer type. In

current releases of C++ Builder and Kylix, long is

32 bits. A 64-bit integer literal is written with a suffix of

i64 (e.g., 10000000000000i64).

_ _property

A property is a class member that is used like a data member, but it

can have the semantics of a member function. Properties are the

foundation for the RAD features of C++ Builder and Kylix. A property

is associated with a reader and writer, which can be data member

names or member function names:

class TControl {


int height_;

void set_height(int h);

. . .

_ _published:

_ _property int height { read=height_, write=set_height };


TControl * ctl = new TControl;

ctl->height = 10; // Calls ctl->set_height(10)

int h = ctl->height; // Gets ctl->height_

_ _published

The _ _published access

specifier label yields the same accessibility as the

public keyword, but it also directs the compiler

to store additional runtime type information (RTTI) for the published

declarations. The RAD features use the RTTI when the user designs an


_ _thread

The _ _thread keyword is a synonym for _


_ _uuidof

The _ _uuidof operator takes an expression as an

operand and returns the UUID of the expression's

class. The class declares its UUID with _

. . . )). A class can

implement the standard COM member function,

QueryInterface, with _ _uuidof:

class demo {

virtual HRESULT QueryInterface(const UUID& iid, void** obj)


if (iid == _ _uuidof(IUnknown)) {

*obj = reinterpret_cast<IUnknown*>(this);

static_cast<IUnknown*>(*obj)->AddRef( );

return S_OK;







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