Saturday, October 24, 2009

6.2 Architecture

 < Day Day Up > 

6.2 Architecture

JUnit contains about 75 named classes plus

a number of inner classes and interfaces. It is organized into

packages, as

shown in Figure 6-1.

Figure 6-1. The JUnit packages and their import dependencies

The package

junit.framework represents the core functionality,

and the foundation on which unit tests are built. Much of the rest of

the code is the relatively complex Swing, AWT, and text user

interface (UI) packages, the package junit.samples

(containing unit test examples), and the package

junit.tests (containing JUnit's

own unit tests). JUnit's developers

"eat their own dog food" by

providing a complete set of unit tests for all of its functionality.

The class architecture for the package

junit.framework is shown in Figure 6-2.

Figure 6-2. Class architecture of the package junit.framework


architecture of

junit.framework follows the generic xUnit

architectural model described in Chapter 3. In

particular, notice a key architectural element, the interface

Test, which is

implemented by the classes



TestSuite. The abstract

class TestCase is the parent of all unit test


As described in Chapter 3, the key classes used

when building unit tests

are TestCase, TestSuite, and

the TestRunners. Appendix B is a detailed class

reference for the junit.framework package.

     < Day Day Up > 

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