1.5 Working with Eclipse
use the Eclipse Java Development Tools (JDT), a series of six
seamlessly integrated plug-ins, for Java development in Eclipse. Even
if you've written Java for years,
you're about to have a whole new experience, one
that makes Java development so smooth that when you understand how to
use the JDT, you'll wonder what took people so long
to make this a reality.
is all about code development, and the only way to really understand
what's going on is by creating code, so
we're going to start by using the JDT to create and
run the amazingly useful application you see in Example 1-1. This Java application just displays the
message "No worries." on the
Example 1-1. The Ch01_01.java example
public class Ch01_01
public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println("No worries.");
How can you create this application using Eclipse, and how is Eclipse
going to make your job easier? The answers are coming up right now.
In Eclipse, all Java code must be inside a Java project, so the first
step is to create a Java project.
1.5.1 Creating a Java Project
To invoke the
Java perspective, and enter the code for our first example,
Ch01_01.java, start Eclipse and select the
Window Open Perspective Java menu item to open
the Java perspective using the JDT, as you see in Figure 1-6. This is the perspective
you'll use over and over as you start relying on
Eclipse for Java development.
worth getting to know the Java perspective before we start using it.
At the top are the standard menu bars and toolbars, populated with
new items for the Java perspective, which we'll
become familiar with in the coming pages.
The left pane holds the
Package Explorer and Hierarchy views, and you use the tabs at the
bottom of this pane to flip between these views. The Package Explorer
view gives you an overview of the package you're
working on and lets you navigate through Java projects, selecting
what files you want to open in the editor. The Hierarchy view lets
you examine type hierarchies�you select an item in a code
editor, right-click it, and select the Open Type Hierarchy context
menu item. When you do, the hierarchy view will display the hierarchy
of that item, giving you a clickable inheritance tree for the item,
including all members. That can be a big help if
you're trying to figure out the syntax of methods
you want to override or which methods are
The Outline
view in the pane at right presents a structured, hierarchical view of
the contents of the file open in the main editor pane and lets you
jump to elements in it. This is great for developers who are
accustomed to using a simple text editor to develop long Java files,
because this view organizes the main sections of long code files,
letting you move around at will (more on this view in the next
the bottom of the Java perspective are the Tasks and Console views,
which you can select between using tabs. The Tasks view displays
pending tasks, such as errors that the compiler has noticed and which
need to be fixed, and the Console view shows you
what's going on in the output console�our
sample application will write to the Console view, for example.
Editors are stacked in the middle
pane and are accessible with the tabs at upper left in that pane. The
JDT code editors give you an immense amount of power, far beyond
simply entering text. There are all kinds of hidden assets built-in
here, most of which are utterly unobtrusive until you decide you want
to use them.
gives us an overview; to create a new Java project in the Java
perspective, select the File New Project menu
item now (alternately, right-click the Package Explorer and select
the New Project context menu item), opening the New Project
dialog box, as you see in Figure 1-7.
Select the Java and Java Project items and click Next to bring up the
next pane of this dialog box. Enter the name of this new project,
Ch01_01, in the Project Name box, and click Next,
bringing up the next pane of the dialog, which you see in Figure 1-8. As you can see in this pane,
we're about to create a new project named
Ch01_01 in its own folder. You can use the
Projects tab here to include other projects in the build path,
something we'll do as our projects become more
involved. The Libraries tab lets you browse to libraries and JAR
files you want included in the build path; by default, only the JRE
System Library is included. The Order and Export tab lets you specify
the order of classes in your build path, and gives you the option of
whether you want to export the current projects so its code will be
available to other projects. In this case, just click Finish to
create our new project,
This adds the new Ch01_01 project to the Package
Explorer, as you see in Figure 1-9. The project is
represented as a folder in your workspace, and, at this point, the
folder only contains the libraries we've included on
the build path, the JRE System
Projects like this organize your files, classes, libraries, and
exports. We don't even have any code in this one
yet, so the next step is to add a new public Java class to the
1.5.2 Creating a Java Class
In our example, the public class is
Ch01_01, and Eclipse stores public classes like
this one in their own files. There are several techniques for
creating new classes in Eclipse: you can use the toolbar item with
the circled C icon, you can use the File New
Class menu item, or you can right-click a project in the Package
Explorer and select the New Class item in the context menu.
Any one of these methods opens the New Java Class dialog box you see
in Figure 1-10.
the options in this dialog. You can set a class's
access specifier�public,
private, or protected; you can
make the class abstract or
final; you can specify the new
class's superclass
(java.lang.Object is the default); and you can
specify which, if any, interfaces it implements.
We're going to put our examples into Java packages
to avoid any conflict with other code; here, we'll
use packages named after the example's chapter, like
org.eclipsebook.ch01. In this case, just enter the
name of this new class, Ch01_01, in the Name box,
and enter the name of a new package we'll create for
this class, org.eclipsebook.ch01, in the Package
box, and click Finish to accept the other defaults. Note, in
particular, that under the question "Which method
stubs would you like to create?"
we're leaving the checkbox marked
"public static void main(String[]
args)" checked. Doing so means that Eclipse will
automatically create an empty main method for
Clicking the Finish button creates and opens our new public class,
Ch01_01, as you see in Figure 1-11; note the package statement
that creates the org.eclipsebook.ch01 package.
This new class will be stored in its own file,
Ch01_01.java, in the Eclipse folder
So far, so good; you
can see the main method that Eclipse has added to
our class already. Now let's enter some code of our
1.5.3 Using Code Assist
You can
type in code using the JDT's editor as with any
editor, as you'd expect, but
there's a lot more utility here than in a standard
text editor. For example, the JDT also supports a facility named
code assist that helps you by completing code
you've already started to type, and
it's a handy tool you'll find
yourself using over and over.
For example, say that you want to enter
the code System.out.println("No
worries."); in the main method.
To see code assist do its thing, move the mouse cursor inside the
main method's body and type
System., and then pause. Code assist will
automatically display the various classes in the
System namespace, as you see in Figure 1-12.
When you highlight out in the list of possible
classes with the mouse, code assist will give you a rundown of what
this class does, as you see at left in the figure. Double-click
out in the code assist list so that code assist
will insert it into your code, and type a period to give you
System.out., and pause again. Code assist will
display the methods of the out class. Double-click
the code assist suggestion println(String
arg0), and code assist will insert this code into
the main method:
public class Ch01_01
public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println( )
this now to display our "No
worries." text (you'll see that
code assist adds the closing quotation mark automatically as you
public class Ch01_01
public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println("No worries.")
However, Eclipse displays this new code
with a wavy red line under it, which indicates
there's a problem. To see what's
going on, rest the mouse cursor over the new code, and a tool tip
will appear, as you can see in Figure 1-13,
indicating that there's a missing semicolon at the
end of the line.
Add that
semicolon now to give you the complete code and make the wavy red
line disappear:
public class Ch01_01
public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println("No worries.");
code is complete. In Figure 1-13, note that the
Package Explorer is giving us an overview of the project, showing the
public class Ch01_01 and the
main method in that class. In this way, the
Package Explorer view gives you access to all the items in a project.
To bring an item up in a code editor, just double-click it in the
Package Explorer view.
Another handy way to find all the members of a class or object is to
highlight an item's name in a code editor,
right-click the highlighted name, and select the Open Type Hierarchy
item from the context menu. Doing so will open the
item's complete type hierarchy in the Hierarchy
view, and you'll see all its members, the data types
of fields, the arguments you pass to methods, and more. In fact, the
code where the selected item is defined will also appear in a code
editor (unless that code is inaccessible, as when
it's in a JAR file�for example, the
System.out class is defined in
rt.jar, so no source code is
available�although there are now ways to attach source
directories to JAR files).
As you can see in this example, the coding
was made a little easier because code assist knew all the members of
the System.out class and let you select from among
them. Code assist will automatically appear when you type a dot
(.). You can also make code assist appear at any
time while you're typing code�just type
You can also turn code assist off. To configure code assist as you
like, select Window Preferences, then Editor in the left
pane of the Preferences dialog, and then the Code Assist tab.
Each time you edit the code in a file, as we're
doing here in Ch01_01.java, an asterisk appears
in front of the filename file in its code editor tab, as you see in
Figure 1-13. This asterisk indicates that changes to
the file have not yet been saved. There are many ways to save your
work: click the diskette icon (for Save) in the toolbar; click the
diskette followed by an ellipsis ( . . . ) icon (for Save As . . . )
in the toolbar; right-click the code itself and select the Save
context menu item; or select the Save, Save As, or Save All menu
items in the File menu.
Alright, we've got our first code written and stored
to disk. How about running it?
1.5.4 Running Your Code
If you look closely at the Package
Explorer view in Figure 1-13,
you'll see that the circled C icon for our
Ch01_01 class also has a small running figure in
it. That is Eclipse's way of indicating this class
is runnable because it has a
main method. To run this code and see the output,
select the Run Run As Java Application menu item,
or open the pull-down menu for the running figure icon in the toolbar
and select the Run As Java Application menu item. This runs
our code (Eclipse will ask you to save it first if the code has not
been saved yet), and the System.out.println method
will write our message to the console. The text of that message,
"No worries.", appears in the
Console view at the bottom of the Java Perspective, as you see in
Figure 1-14.
Congratulations�now you're an Eclipse
1.5.5 Using the Scrapbook
There's another way
to run code in a Java Project, and you don't need a
main method to do it: you can use a
scrapbook page instead. Scrapbook pages give you
a way of executing code, even partial code, on the fly�a big
help in the development process. This is not an essential skill, but
it's a useful one.
To create a
scrapbook page, select the File New Scrapbook
Page menu item to open the New Scrapbook Page dialog box, enter the
name Ch01_01Scrapbook in the File name box, and
click Finish to create the new scrapbook page, which will be saved as
Ch01_01Scrapbook.jpage. The new page appears in
the Package Explorer and is automatically opened in the editor view,
as you see in Figure 1-15. You can enter code or
code snippets to run in this page, which helps when your code is
getting long and you just want to test part of it. For example, to
run our example, enter this code in the scrapbook page (as you see in
Figure 1-15)�note that you must include the
package name here when referencing the main method
in your code:
String[] args = {};
tell the scrapbook page what code to run, select all the code
you've entered, as you see in Figure 1-15, right-click it, and select the Execute
context menu item (you can also select the Run Execute menu
item). The results appear in the Console view as before, as you can
see in Figure 1-15. In this way, you can execute
Java code using a scrapbook page, even snippets of code, and see the
results as they'd appear in the console. To close
the scrapbook page, click the X button in the tab corresponding to
its editor in the workbench's central pane.
If you select the Display item instead of the Execute item,
you'll see the net return value of the code
you've highlighted in the scrapbook, which is useful
for testing methods on the fly. Also, note that you can set imports
for the scrapbook page, importing other packages as needed, by
right-clicking the scrapbook's code in the editor
view and selecting the context menu's Set Imports
menu item.
As you can see, the JDT are very helpful.
There's also a lot more�for example, what if
you've got an error in your code? Eclipse can help
here, too.
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