Thursday, October 15, 2009

Working with Binary (BLOB) Data

 < Day Day Up > 

Working with Binary (BLOB) Data

A common task I'm often asked about is how to read and write binary data�typically representing a graphical image�using the ADO.NET classes. As most ADO.NET articles and books don't seem to cover this important task, I'll use this chapter's first section to illustrate two distinct ways to work with stored binary data�one with the DataReader class and the other with the DataSet class. I'll also explore the use of "chunking" to facilitate working with very large amounts of binary data in an efficient manner. The section concludes with a demo application that allows you to view the images stored for a sample database and update the database with any other image stored in the file system.

Using the DataReader Class

Most managed providers define a data reader object that allows for reading a forward-only stream of rows from a specific data store type. For example, there is a data reader class for SQL Server (SqlDataReader), Oracle (OracleDataReader), OLE DB provider support (OleDbDataReader), and ODBC driver support (OdbcDataReader). Up to this point, I've ignored the data readers for the simple reason that�for the most part�they don't provide us MFC developers with anything that we don't already have, since we can pick from a plethora of native database access technologies. However, the data reader does make the task of reading and writing binary data very simple; hence its inclusion in this section.

The first step in constructing a data reader object is to connect to a data store using one of the managed data connection objects (such as SqlConnection). Once that's done, you then construct a command object (such as SqlCommand) specifying the query to run against the data store. If the command will yield a result set, you can then call the command object's ExecuteReader method, which returns a data reader object.

SqlConnection* conn =

new SqlConnection(S"Server=localhost;"


S"Integrated Security=true");

SqlCommand* cmd =

new SqlCommand(S"SELECT * FROM Employees", conn);


SqlDataReader* reader = cmd->ExecuteReader();


conn->Close(); // Don't call until finished using the data reader!

Note that, unlike the disconnected nature of the DataSet, the data reader does not read all of the data in a result set into memory at once. Instead, the data reader is an object that keeps a database connection open and basically behaves like a connected, server-side, read-only cursor. It does this by reading only as much of the complete result set as necessary, thereby saving memory, especially in cases where you expect a large result set. As a result, the act of closing the connection also closes the data reader.

Reading Binary Data with a Data Reader Object

Once the data reader object has been constructed, call its Read method to advance to the result set's next record. Simply call this method successively until it returns a Boolean value of false, indicating that there are no more records to read.

while (reader->Read())


// data accessed via overloaded Item indexer

// Object* o1 = reader->Item[S"columnName"];

// Object* o2 = reader->Item[columnIndex];


While most data can be obtained through the overloaded Item indexer (into an Object), the data reader classes also provide a number of data-type-specific methods such as GetBoolean, GetChars, GetDateTime, and GetGuid. The data-type-specific method we're most interested in here is the GetBytes method. The GetBytes method is used to read binary data and enables you to specify the binary data's column index, the buffer into which to read the data, the index of the buffer where writing should begin, and the amount of data to copy.

public: virtual __int64 GetBytes(

int columnIndex,

__int64 dataIndex,

unsigned char buffer __gc[],

int bufferIndex,

int bytesToCopy


Here's an example of allocating and then populating a Byte array with binary data from a data reader object:

Byte image[] =

__gc new Byte[Convert::ToInt32((reader->GetBytes(columnIndex,

0, 0, 0,



reader->GetBytes(columnIndex, 0, image, 0, image->Length);

Note that the code snippet calls GetBytes twice. This is done because GetBytes can't be called to retrieve the data until a receiving buffer of the required length is allocated. Therefore, the first call is made with the buffer (third parameter) set to a null reference in order to determine the number of bytes to allocate. Once the image buffer has been allocated, the second call to GetBytes results in the population of the buffer.

Most image classes are designed to read the graphic from a specified file in order to display the graphic. Therefore, you could write the image data to disk using the FileStream object covered in Chapter 3. Here's a snippet illustrating the writing of a Byte buffer to disk.

FileStream* stream = new FileStream(destination,



stream->Write(image, 0, image->Length);


Now that you've seen the individual steps involved in using the DataReader class to read a binary value from a database and, optionally, save it to a file, here's a generic function (GetPictureValue) that takes a SqlDataReader object, column index value, and destination file name. Using what you've just learned, this function first ensures that the column value is not null (GetBytes will throw an exception if the column is null), allocates a Byte buffer, reads the data into that buffer, and then saves the data to the specified destination file name.

void GetPictureValue(

SqlDataReader* reader,

int columnIndex,

String* destination)


#pragma push_macro("new")

#undef new

FileStream* stream;



if (!reader->IsDBNull(columnIndex))


// Allocate a byte array

Byte image[] =

__gc new Byte[Convert::ToInt32((reader->GetBytes(columnIndex,

0, 0, 0, Int32::MaxValue)))];

// Read the binary data into the byte array

reader->GetBytes(columnIndex, 0, image, 0, image->Length);

// Open FileStream and write buffer to file.

stream = new FileStream(destination,



stream->Write(image, 0, image->Length);

Console::WriteLine(S"{0} written", destination);




Console::WriteLine(S"Image column is null");



catch (Exception* e)


// Handle exception






#pragma pop_macro("new")


You can now write something like the following where the code reads every photo in the Employees table and writes that photo out to a file named using the EmployeeID value. (The value 1 being passed to the GetPictureValue function refers to the second column�Photo�specified in the command object's constructor.)

SqlConnection* conn =

new SqlConnection(S"Server=localhost;"


S"Integrated Security=true");

SqlCommand* cmd =

new SqlCommand(S"SELECT EmployeeID, Photo FROM Employees", conn);


SqlDataReader* reader = cmd->ExecuteReader();

while (reader->Read())


String* fileName = String::Format(S"{0}.jpg", reader->Item[0]);

GetPictureValue(reader, 1, fileName);



Writing Binary Data with a Command and Parameter Object

As the data reader objects are read-only, they can't be used to insert into or update a data store. Instead, you would use a command object. You can't insert the binary data into an SQL statement; however, each command object contains a collection of parameter objects that serve as placeholders in the query. Parameters are used in situations where either the data cannot be passed in the query (as in our case) or in situations where the data to be passed won't be resolved until after the command has been constructed. To specify that a command has a parameter, you simply use the special designation @parameterName in the query passed to the command object's constructor. In the following example, I'm specifying that once executed, the command object's parameter collection will include a parameter object named Photo that will contain the data to be used in this SQL UPDATE statement.

SqlCommand* cmd = new SqlCommand(S"UPDATE Employees SET Photo=@Photo",


The next thing you would do is to construct the parameter object. Most managed providers define a parameter class that is specific to a given data store. For the SQL Server managed provider, this class is called SqlParameter. Here's an example of setting up an SqlParameter object and then adding it to the command object's parameter collection, where the constructor is being used to specify such values as parameter name, data type, data length, parameter direction (input, in this case, as we're setting a database value), and the data value.

SqlParameter* param = new SqlParameter(S"@Photo",





0, 0, 0,




Once the parameters that you've specified for a given command have been constructed and added to the command object, you can then execute the command. As I presented a GetPictureValue in the previous section, here's a SetPictureValue function that illustrates how to use parameter objects for both the image data as well as the EmployeeID column value. This allows you to set up the connection and command one time and then SetPictureValue for each row whose image you wish to set.

void SetPictureValue(SqlCommand* cmd, String* fileName, int id)


#pragma push_macro("new")

#undef new

FileStream* stream;



// Read image into buffer.

stream = new FileStream(fileName,



int size = Convert::ToInt32(stream->Length);

Byte image[] = __gc new Byte[size];

stream->Read(image, 0, size);

// Create parameter object named @Photo for the image data.

SqlParameter* paramPhoto =

new SqlParameter(S"@Photo",





0, 0, 0,




// Create parameter object named @ID for the passed employee id

SqlParameter* paramID = new SqlParameter(S"@ID", __box(id));


// Execute the query and report number of rows updated

int rowsUpdated = Convert::ToInt32(cmd->ExecuteNonQuery());

Console::WriteLine(S"{0} rows updated with specified image",


// Remove parameters when finished




catch(Exception *e)


// Handle exception






#pragma pop_macro("new")


Note that you could also have the client set up the command's parameters so that it's only done once and then have the SetPictureValue update the various parameter object members such as value and length. However, I like to minimize the work required by the client, and in the case of allocating an object such as the parameter object, the trade-off of performance vs. client work is such that I don't mind instantiating the parameter object each time. Obviously, this is reversed with regard to the connection because�depending on the environment�a connection may take some time to establish. Therefore, with this function, the client is responsible for creating the connection. In this simple test, I'm calling SetPictureValue for two employees. Also note the two parameters specified in the command object's constructor.

SqlConnection* conn =

new SqlConnection(S"Server=localhost;"


S"Integrated Security=true");

// Construct SQL command object specifying that a

// parameter named @Photo will be used

// (constructed and added to the command shortly).

SqlCommand* cmd = new SqlCommand(S"UPDATE Employees "

S"SET Photo=@Photo "

S"WHERE EmployeeID=@ID",


// Open connection


// Set two employee photos

SetPictureValue(cmd, S"c:\\sample.jpg", 1);

SetPictureValue(cmd, S"c:\\sample.jpg", 2);

// Our work is done here. Close the connection.


Using the DataSet Class

In contrast to the DataReader class, the DataSet class is much easier to use�with the trade-off being much less control than the DataReader offers. As you already saw how to connect to a data source and fill a DataSet in Chapter 6, the following code assumes that you have a DataRow object containing a column (named Photo) that contains binary data. The following code is all you need in order to read a binary value from a DataRow object and then output that data to a file.

// Assumes that you have a DataRow object called row

// get photo from row

Byte pictureData[] = (Byte[])(row->Item[S"Photo"]);

// write data (image) to disk

int size = pictureData->GetUpperBound(0);

if (-1 < size)


String* fileName = S"Test.jpg";

FileStream* stream = new FileStream(fileName,



stream->Write(pictureData, 0,size);



As you can see, all that is required is to simply cast the data returned from the Item property! The reason this is so much simpler is that the DataReader gives you much more control in reading data in terms of specifying data type, precision, size, scale, and so on. This paradigm is fine for the DataReader, since with it you read one column of data at a time for each row. However, the DataSet's internal DataTable object(s) is/are filled with data with a single call to the data adapter's Fill method, so that ADO.NET is obligated to look at the schema of the data store and download all the data at once, pursuant to the type of data. You can verify this by enumerating the column objects defined by each DataSet object's DataTable object, where you'll see that the schema information for that column was also downloaded and, ostensibly, used in determining how to read the data. Therefore, with the column data already downloaded and accessible via the Item property, moving the data into a variable is much easier, albeit at the cost of flexibility.

That said, writing binary data is just as easy. The following code snippet first constructs a FileStream object encapsulating the file that will contain the image data for a given record. A Byte array is then allocated for the length of the file, and the data is read into that array. A DataRow object representing the record is then updated. As with any update to disconnected data, you then need to call the adapter's Update method to commit the changes to the data store.

// read specified file

FileStream* stream = new FileStream(S"Test.jpg",



Byte pictureData[] = new Byte[stream->Length];

stream->Read(pictureData, 0, System::Convert::ToInt32(stream->



// Acquire row object

row->Item[S"Photo"] = pictureData;

DataReader vs. DataSet When Reading Binary Data

As you've seen, the DataReader and command object provide a much finer level of control when reading and writing binary data. However, the DataSet is much easier to use and has the benefit of being usable in a disconnected environment. What you must keep in mind is that using the DataSet (and associated data adapter) results in all the data�corresponding to the query when you call the data adapter's Fill method�being retrieved at once. Therefore, in some situations a "blended" approach might work best.

For example, let's say that you want to take advantage of the DataSet and design your system to be disconnected from the data source. However, one of the columns contains extremely large amounts of binary data that the user rarely needs (either for display or update). Instead of taking the performance hit of including such a large, rarely used column in the DataSet, you could exclude it from the DataSet. Then if the user wanted to view or update that column, you could use the DataReader and command objects to synchronously perform these tasks. This would give you the best of both worlds in terms of functionality and performance.

Demo Application to Read and Write Image Data

Assuming you've run the SQL Server script provided for the chapter's demo applications and imported the necessary data (as shown in the sidebar entitled "Creating the Sample Database for SQL Server or MSDE" at the beginning of this chapter), you should have a database named ExtendingMFCWithDotNet that includes a table called Contributors. This table defines four columns.

  • ID

    An IDENTITY column used to uniquely identify each row.

  • Name

    The full name of a contributor that is displayed in the list view.

  • Role

    The role of the contributor�such as Author, Co-Author and Tech Editor�that is also displayed in the list view.

  • Photo

    The image column that will contain a picture representing the contributor.

As mentioned, my main focus in these ADO.NET chapters is on the disconnected side of things. Therefore, this demo will illustrate using the DataSet class to load the Contributors table, displaying the Name and Role values of each record in a list view. When a particular record is selected, the associated image data (Photo value) will be displayed on the dialog. As an added bonus, you'll also see how to display an image from memory using GDI+�as opposed to saving to a temporary file first. The demo will also allow the user to select�from the file system�a different image file for the record. The record can then be saved with this new image data.

  1. To get started, create an MFC dialog-based application called BLOBData and update the Project properties to support Managed Extensions.

  2. Open the stdafx.h file and add the following .NET support directives to the end of the file. You've seen most of these namespaces used in the previous chapters. The drawing namespaces are used in order to facilitate the displaying of the image.

    #using <mscorlib.dll>

    #using <system.dll>

    #using <>

    #using <system.xml.dll>

    #using <system.drawing.dll>

    #using <>

    using namespace System;

    using namespace System::Data;

    using namespace System::Data::SqlClient;

    using namespace System::Xml;

    using namespace System::Windows::Forms;

    using namespace System::IO;

    using namespace System::Drawing;

    using namespace System::Drawing::Drawing2D;

    #undef MessageBox

  3. Update the project's main dialog as shown in Figure 7-1. The control below the list view is a Picture control with its Type property set to Frame.

    Figure 7-1. The BLOBData demo application's main dialog

  4. Set the list view control's View property to Report and the picture control's Sunken property to True.

  5. Add the DDX value variables for this dialog as shown in Table 7-1.

    Table 7-1. DDX Variables for the BLOBData Demo


    Variable Type

    Variable Name

    List view control



    Picture control



  6. Define the following ADO.NET member variables for the dialog class.

    class CBLOBDataDlg : public CDialog









  7. Add the following list control initialization code to the end of the dialog's OnInitDialog function.

    // All full row selection

    LONG lStyle =





    0, (LPARAM)lStyle);

    // Add columns to listview

    m_lstContributors.InsertColumn(0, _T("ID"));

    m_lstContributors.InsertColumn(1, _T("Name"));

    m_lstContributors.InsertColumn(2, _T("Role"));

    TCHAR buff[MAX_PATH];

    GetModuleFileName(NULL, buff, MAX_PATH);

    m_strWorkingDir = System::IO::Path::GetDirectoryName(buff);

  8. Add the following code to the end of the dialog's OnInitDialog function (just before the return statement) to initialize the ADO.NET objects. The first thing that is done is to make a connection to the sample database (ExtendingMFCWithDotNet). A SqlDataAdapter object (adapter) is then constructed with an SQL SELECT statement that retrieves all records from the Contributors table. Once the adapter has been constructed, its MissingSchemaAction property is set so that when the Fill method is called, primary key information will also be acquired. This is needed so that the DataRowCollection::Find method will allow us to search for records by primary key.

    An SqlCommandBuilder object (commandBuilder) is then instantiated, as this demo will also update the data source. After that, the connection is opened, and the SqlDataAdapter::Fill method is called, with the resulting DataTable object being named AllContributors. At this point, we have the data in memory, so the connection to the data store is closed.

    A DataTable object (contributors) is then allocated and points to the AllContributors DataTable created during the Fill method. Finally, a helper function (ReadAllRows) is called to read and display the downloaded records.

    #pragma push_macro("new")

    #undef new



    SqlConnection* conn =

    new SqlConnection(S"Server=localhost;"


    S"Integrated Security=true;");

    adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(S"SELECT * FROM"



    adapter->MissingSchemaAction =


    commandBuilder = new SqlCommandBuilder(adapter);


    dataset = new DataSet();

    adapter->Fill(dataset, S"AllContributors");

    conn->Close(); // No longer needed

    DataTableCollection* tables = dataset->Tables;

    contributors = tables->Item[S"AllContributors"];



    catch(Exception* e)


    MessageBox::Show(e->Message, S".NET Exception Thrown",




    #pragma pop_macro("new")

  9. At this point, let's implement the ReadAllRows methods. This function enumerates the contributors DataRowCollection member, inserting the ID, name, and role of each record into the list view. Note that the ID is shown in the first column so that it can later be used to search the DataRow record in the DataRowCollection. You could also simply store this value as item data if you didn't want to display it in a production system.

    void CBLOBDataDlg::ReadAllRows()




    CWaitCursor wc;


    DataRowCollection* rows = contributors->Rows;

    DataRow* row;

    String* id;

    String* name;

    String* role;

    for (int i = 0; i < rows->Count; i++)


    row = rows->Item[i];

    id = row->Item[S"ID"]->ToString();

    name = row->Item[S"Name"]->ToString();

    role = row->Item[S"Role"]->ToString();

    int idx = m_lstContributors.InsertItem(i, (CString)id);

    m_lstContributors.SetItemText(idx, 1, (CString)name);

    m_lstContributors.SetItemText(idx, 2, (CString)role);



    catch(Exception* e)


    MessageBox::Show(e->Message, S".NET Exception Thrown",





  10. Implement the following helper function that will return the index of the currently selected list view item.

    int CBLOBDataDlg::GetSelectedItem()


    int iCurrSel = -1;

    POSITION pos =


    if (pos)

    iCurrSel = m_lstContributors.GetNextSelectedItem(pos);

    return iCurrSel;


  11. When the user clicks on a given list view item (representing a record in the Contributors table) we want that record's photo displayed. Therefore, implement the following handler for the list view's LVN_ITEMCHANGED message. After retrieving the record ID for the selected item (from the first column), the DataRowCollection::Find method is called to retrieve the DataRow object encapsulating that record. If the row contains data for the Photo column, a Byte array is then allocated and filled with that image data. This buffer is then passed to the DisplayImageFile function. If the Photo column is blank, then the DisplayImageFile is called with a value of NULL to indicate that the static control used to display the image should be erased (in case it's displaying the value from a previously selected record).

    void CBLOBDataDlg::OnLvnItemchangedList1(

    NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult)


    #pragma push_macro("new")

    #undef new



    CWaitCursor wc;



    int iCurrSel = GetSelectedItem();

    if (-1 < iCurrSel)


    int id = atoi(m_lstContributors.GetItemText(iCurrSel,


    DataRow* row = contributors->Rows->Find(__box(id));

    if (row)


    // get photo from row

    Byte pictureData[] = (Byte[])(row->Item[S"Photo"]);

    // display photo or erase photo based

    // on if we found image data

    int size = pictureData->GetUpperBound(0);

    if (-1 < size)


    // display image





    // Clear the photo display






    catch(Exception* e)


    MessageBox::Show(e->Message, S".NET Exception Thrown",




    *pResult = 0;

    #pragma pop_macro("new")


  12. Now for the DisplayImageFile function. This function uses the GDI+ Bitmap and Graphic objects in order to display an image file. If data is passed (indicating an image to display), the function first copies the image data buffer into a MemoryStream object, which is then passed to the Bitmap constructor. The device context of the static control is then used to draw the image. If a value of NULL is passed as the image data, then the static control's client area is erased.

    void CBLOBDataDlg::DisplayImageFile(Byte pictureData __gc[])


    #pragma push_macro("new")

    #undef new

    // Forward-declare the following objects so they can be

    // released in the __finally statement

    System::IO::MemoryStream* dataStream = NULL;

    Bitmap* image = NULL;

    Graphics* graphics = NULL;

    CClientDC dc(&m_wndPhoto);



    CWaitCursor wc;

    if (NULL != pictureData)


    // Wrap the pictureData in a Stream object so as to

    // avoid creating a temporary file on disk

    dataStream = new System::IO::MemoryStream(pictureData);

    // Create the GDI+ Bitmap and Graphic objects

    image = new Bitmap(dataStream);

    graphics = Graphics::FromHdc(dc.GetSafeHdc());

    // Erase static control's client area

    RECT clientRect;




    clientRect.right - clientRect.left,

    clientRect.bottom -;

    // Draw image on static control's client area

    graphics->DrawImage(image, 0, 0, image->Width,



    else // erase static control's client area


    // Create GDI+ Graphics object from HDC

    graphics = Graphics::FromHdc(dc.GetSafeHdc());

    // Draw background

    RECT clientRect;




    clientRect.right - clientRect.left,

    clientRect.bottom -;



    catch(Exception* e)


    MessageBox::Show(e->Message, S".NET Exception Thrown",






    // Important! Clean up GDI+ and IO resources!

    if (graphics) graphics->Dispose();

    if (image) image->Dispose();

    if (dataStream) dataStream->Dispose();


    #pragma pop_macro("new")


  13. At this point, the application should display any photos stored for a given record. Now let's add the ability to change the photo so as to illustrate how to write image data. To do that, implement an event handler for the Set Photo...button. After displaying the File Open common dialog, the function opens the selected image file using a FileStream object. The file's data is read into a Byte array and, after locating the DataRow being updated (via the DataRowCollection::Find method), its Photo column is set to the Byte array. Finally, the DisplayImageFile presented in the previous step is called.

    void CBLOBDataDlg::OnBnClickedPhotoSet()


    #pragma push_macro("new")

    #undef new

    FileStream* stream;



    CWaitCursor wc;

    int iCurrSel = GetSelectedItem();

    if (-1 < iCurrSel)


    CFileDialog dlg(TRUE);

    dlg.m_pOFN->lpstrInitialDir = m_strWorkingDir;

    dlg.m_pOFN->lpstrTitle = _T("Open an image file");

    dlg.m_ofn.lpstrFilter = _T("Image"


    "All Files (*.*)\0*.*\0\0");

    if (IDOK == dlg.DoModal())


    // read specified file

    CString strFileName = dlg.GetPathName();

    stream = new FileStream(strFileName,



    Byte pictureData[] = new Byte[stream->Length];

    stream->Read(pictureData, 0,



    // update DataTable

    int id = atoi(m_lstContributors.GetItemText(

    iCurrSel, 0));

    DataRow* row = contributors->Rows->Find(__box(id));

    if (row)


    row->Item[S"Photo"] = pictureData;


    // display image




    else MessageBox::Show(S"You must first select a



    catch(Exception* e)


    MessageBox::Show(e->Message, S".NET Exception Thrown",








    #pragma pop_macro("new")


  14. The last step is to implement a handler for the Commit Data button so that, at any time, the user can commit the changes made in the application to the DataSet object's underlying data source. As you saw in the previous chapter, this is accomplished via calling the data adapter's Update function, and it will only work if a command builder has been set up to automatically generate the appropriate UpdateCommand.

    void CBLOBDataDlg::OnBnClickedCommitData()




    CWaitCursor wc;


    MessageBox::Show(S"Data successfully saved", S"Success",




    catch(Exception* e)


    MessageBox::Show(e->Message, S".NET Exception Thrown",





At this point, you should have a fully functional application that allows you to both read and write image data to a SQL Server database. Running this application should provide results similar to those shown in Figure 7-2.

Figure 7-2. The BLOBData demo application illustrates how to read and write image data.

     < Day Day Up > 

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