Thursday, October 15, 2009

Recipe 1.3 Understanding Your Workspace

 < Day Day Up > 

Recipe 1.3 Understanding Your Workspace

1.3.1 Problem

What's meant by the


workspace? And what's a


1.3.2 Solution

Although you might think of Eclipse as a Java IDE, it comprises a

number of components that act together behind the scenes in

Eclipse's workspace. A plug-in is a software tool

that accomplishes a specific task in Eclipse, such as allowing you to

edit an Ant file, compile a Java file, or drag and drop GUI elements.

The workspace, along with the Eclipse workbench, the team component,

and the help component, are all parts of the overall Eclipse

platform, and serve as the foundation for plug-ins to interact with

the Eclipse core software.

1.3.3 Discussion

The Java IDE you work with is the Java Development

, or JDT. The JDT is not an integral part of

Eclipse; it's

a plug-in. Eclipse

is really composed of the Eclipse Platform, which provides support

for other tools. These tools are implemented as plug-ins, allowing

the platform itself to be a relatively small software package.

Eclipse comes with a number of plug-ins, including the JDT. Another

important plug-in is the

Plug-in Development Environment (PDE), which

enables you to develop your own plug-ins. If you want to develop in a

language other than Java, you get the corresponding plug-in for that

language, and many are available.

Besides using different programming languages, you can change the

human language that Eclipse uses as well. Different languages often

are supported with what are called plug-in

. Plug-in fragments are available for numerous

languages, including Japanese, Korean, German, French, Italian,

Portuguese, Spanish, and even traditional and simplified Chinese.

Knowing the parts of Eclipse is essential to working with it for

anything but the most casual use. If you don't have

at least an idea of what parts do what, you'll end

up confused when you encounter the barriers between these components,

which can make Eclipse's behavior seem inconsistent.

For example, when you know that the JDT is different from other

plug-ins, you won't be surprised when options

available in the JDT aren't available in other


The Eclipse Platform consists of several components: the platform

kernel, the workspace, the workbench, the team component, and the

help component. You can see an overview of these components in Figure 1-3. Plug-ins are loaded when Eclipse starts; the

plug-ins also appear in Figure 1-3.

Figure 1-3. Eclipse components and plug-ins The Eclipse platform kernel

Everything starts with the platform

kernel. The platform kernel is written in native code, and its job is

to load the rest of Eclipse; the kernel warns you if it

can't find a workable Java installation to run the

rest of the application. The kernel also loads the Eclipse plug-ins.

 The workbench component

The workbench is Eclipse

at its most basic.

The workbench window displays the menus and toolbars you saw in Figure 1-2 (the menu and toolbar items that are displayed

are put there by the perspective you're currently


Although you load different plug-ins, each with different windows and

menu systems, the workbench is what displays them. The workbench is

designed to look like a native application, targeted to your

operating system. In Linux, it looks like a Linux application, in

Windows, a Windows application, and so on.

Targeting Eclipse's graphical user interface to the

operating system is a somewhat controversial issue. The workbench

is built using Eclipse's

own Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) and JFace packages (built on top of

SWT), which use operating-system native components in their displays.

Doing that in a Java application is still a contentious point, as

you'll see when we discuss SWT and JFace later in

Chapter 8, Chapter 9,

and Chapter 10.

 The workspace component

The workspace component in Eclipse

manages your

resources, including what you store on disk. Eclipse manages your


in projects, and by default each project is

managed by the workspace component


the Eclipse workspace

directory. You'll learn more about

projects later in this chapter in Recipe 1.5.

Your project doesn't need to be in the workspace

directory; you can use other directories, even networked directories.

To select a different location, uncheck the "Use

default" checkbox when you give the name of the

project to create, and fill in the directory you want to use instead.

The workspace component manages all the resources in a project,

including your code. It also manages changes to your code and to

other files, giving you access to a stored history of the changes and

even enabling you to compare those changes graphically. The workspace

also communicates with plug-ins such as the JDT, making history and

file information accessible.

 The team component

The team component gives you version control for your code, and it

supports file sharing. If you've developed software

in a corporate environment, you might already have worked with source

code control and repositories. Code is stored in a repository and

checked in or out as needed, which means the changes to the software

can be tracked.

Coordinating changes that teams make to the code means you can avoid

the kind of random overlapping changes that will

cause utter chaos otherwise. Eclipse

integrates well with the Concurrent Versions System (CVS), the de

facto standard for version control (except perhaps in Microsoft

shops, where Visual SourceSafe still reigns supreme). In fact, the

team component can act as a CVS client, which interacts with a CVS

server that maintains the code repository from which team members can

retrieve code. We're going to take a look at how

this works in Chapter 6.

 The help component

The help component is Eclipse's documentation

system for

providing help. It's an extensible help system;

plug-ins can provide their own help, in XML-formatted form, to tell

the help system how to navigate their documentation.


Eclipse is extendible via plug-ins. Plug-ins

can set up their own perspectives,

editors, views, wizards, and more. For example, the JDT is a plug-in

that adds its functionality to what the workbench already provides.

Besides using some of the more than 450 plug-ins available for

Eclipse, we're also going to build our own starting

in Chapter 12.

     < Day Day Up > 

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