A1: | Answer: Your answer should look similar to the following:
SET SERVEROUTPUT ON DECLARE CURSOR c_course IS SELECT course_no, description FROM course WHERE course_no < 120;
CURSOR c_enrollment(p_course_no IN course.course_no%TYPE) IS SELECT s.section_no section_no, count(*) count FROM section s, enrollment e WHERE s.course_no = p_course_no AND s.section_id = e.section_id GROUP BY s.section_no; BEGIN FOR r_course IN c_course LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (r_course.course_no||' '|| r_course.description);
FOR r_enroll IN c_enrollment(r_course.course_no) LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (Chr(9)||'Section: '||r_enroll.section_no|| ' has an enrollment of: '||r_enroll.count); END LOOP;
2) | Write an anonymous PL/SQL block that finds all the courses that have at least one section that is at its maximum enrollment. If there are no courses that meet that criterion, then pick two courses and create that situation for each. For each of those courses, add another section. The instructor for the new section should be taken from the existing records in the instruct table. Use the instructor who is signed up to teach the least number of courses. Handle the fact that, during the execution of your program, the instructor teaching the most courses may change. Use any exception-handling techniques you think are useful to capture error conditions.
A2: | Answer: Your answer should look similar to the following:
SET SERVEROUTPUT ON DECLARE v_instid_min instructor.instructor_id%TYPE; v_section_id_new section.section_id%TYPE; v_snumber_recent section.section_no%TYPE := 0;
-- This cursor determines the courses that have at least -- one section filled to capacity. CURSOR c_filled IS SELECT DISTINCT s.course_no FROM section s WHERE s.capacity = (SELECT COUNT(section_id) FROM enrollment e WHERE e.section_id = s.section_id); BEGIN FOR r_filled IN c_filled LOOP -- For each course in this list, add another section. -- First, determine the instructor who is teaching -- the least number of courses. If there are more -- than one instructor teaching the same number of -- minimum courses (e.g. if there are three -- instructors teaching 1 course) use any of those -- instructors. SELECT instructor_id INTO v_instid_min FROM instructor WHERE EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM section WHERE section.instructor_id = instructor.instructor_id GROUP BY instructor_id HAVING COUNT(*) = (SELECT MIN(COUNT(*)) FROM section WHERE instructor_id IS NOT NULL GROUP BY instructor_id) ) AND ROWNUM = 1;
-- Determine the section_id for the new section -- Note that this method would not work in a multi-user -- environment. A sequence should be used instead. SELECT MAX(section_id) + 1 INTO v_section_id_new FROM section;
-- Determine the section number for the new section -- This only needs to be done in the real world if -- thesystem specification calls for a sequence in -- a parent. The sequence in parent here refers to -- the section_no incrementing within the course_no, -- and not the section_no incrementing within -- the section_id. DECLARE CURSOR c_snumber_in_parent IS SELECT section_no FROM section WHERE course_no = r_filled.course_no ORDER BY section_no; BEGIN -- Go from the lowest to the highest section_no -- and find any gaps. If there are no gaps make -- the new section_no equal to the highest -- current section_no + 1.
FOR r_snumber_in_parent IN c_snumber_in_parent LOOP EXIT WHEN r_snumber_in_parent.section_no > v_snumber_recent + 1; v_snumber_recent := r_snumber_in_parent. section_no + 1; END LOOP;
-- At this point, v_snumber_recent will be equal -- either to the value preceeding the gap or to -- the highest section_no for that course. END; -- Do the insert. INSERT INTO section (section_id, course_no, section_no, instructor_id) VALUES (v_section_id_new, r_filled.course_no, v_snumber_recent, v_instid_min); -- COMMIT; END LOOP; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('An error has occurred'); END;
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