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9.1 A Hello World ProgramThe text in this session includes screen ouput from SQL*Plus sessions. Refer to Chapter 2 for hints and use of SQL*Plus commands. The following table lists the common SQL*Plus commands used in this chapter.
From SQL*Plus, type the following Hello World program. First, type the SQL*Plus command SET SERVEROUTPUT ON, then the procedure text. The last line is a forward slash�this is SQL*Plus and instructs SQL*Plus to send the typed text to Oracle to be compiled.
Use the DBMS_OUTPUT package for standard output. The DBMS_OUTPUT package has overloaded procedures for different datatypes: DATE, NUMBER, and VARCHAR. The package specification for the PUT_LINE procedure is
You must execute the SQL*Plus command once for each session if you use DBMS_OUTPUT.
DBMS_OUTPUT buffers output to a session-specific DBMS_OUTPUT buffer. Each call to the PUT_LINE procedure does not immediately dump text to your screen�it stays in the buffer. The SET SERVEROUTPUT ON command directs the SQL*Plus session to dump buffered text to your screen upon completion of a program. The default buffer size is 20,000 characters. You can increase this with a call to the ENABLE procedure in DBMS_OUTPUT. The maximum is 1,000,000 characters.
The content of the SQL*Plus buffer is currently the Hello program. List the SQL*Plus buffer (lower case L) and save (SAVE) it to a file.
You just saved the contents of the SQL*Plus buffer to a host file HELLO.SQL. Run the script. This recompiles the HELLO procedure.
If you try to create a table and it exists, an error comes back. To recreate a table you must first drop the table and then create it. This prevents accidental recreating of a table with vital data. Stored procedures have a CREATE OR REPLACE syntax that is consistent with most programming languages. This syntax creates the procedure if it does not exist; if it does exist, Oracle recompiles it. Edit the file HELLO.SQL and insert invalid syntax. Change PUT_LINE to PUTLINE. Add two additional lines at the end. Add a SQL*Plus command, SHOW ERRORS; then add the SQL*Plus LIST (L) command. The edited file, seven lines long, is the following:
Run the command file with @HELLO. This will (a) compile the procedure with errors; (b) execute the SQL*Plus SHOW ERRORS command, which will list the offending line of PL/SQL code; and (c) provide a full listing of the procedure just compiled with the SQL*Plus LIST command.
Correct the host file, HELLO.SQL, and replace PUTLINE with PUT_LINE. Compile and execute. Suppress SQL*Plus feedback messages with SET FEEDBACK OFF:
Create a PL/SQL block that invokes the HELLO procedure. Do this by creating a text file with a SQL extension. Name the file RUN_HELLO.SQL. The following illustrates the syntax for a PL/SQL block (the forward slash is the SQL*Plus command to compile and execute the script).
The DECLARE part is optional; it is not necessary if the block uses no variables. A PL/SQL block is different from a stored procedure. HELLO is a compiled object in the database. You must first compile HELLO.SQL; then you can execute the procedure. The text for RUN_HELLO.SQL, shown next, is seven lines long and includes a comment and a forward slash in the last line. This is a PL/SQL block. It executes the HELLO procedure five times.
A single command to compile and execute a PL/SQL block is:
Building the HELLO procedure includes two steps:
You build the PL/SQL block with one step: compile-and-execute. To run the PL/SQL block in SQL*Plus:
Use PL/SQL blocks as test drivers for stored procedures. There is nothing different about the code in a PL/SQL block and the code in stored procedure�both use PL/SQL. Enhance test driver code with exception handling code to display an exception error number and error message. The PL/SQL block below includes a WHEN OTHERS exception handler that prints the exception to a duplicate insert. First, create a table with a primary key constraint.
TEST_TEMP.SQL is the name of the PL/SQL block and includes an exception handler. In contains 11 lines, including an initial comment and a forward slash as the last line, which must be in Column 1.
In this PL/SQL block, the second insert fails with a primary key constraint violation. The code in the exception handler uses DBMS_OUTPUT to print the error number and message.
PL/SQL blocks convert to stored procedures by adding CREATE OR REPLACE. The following procedure, TEST_TEMP, implements the preceding script as a compiled procedure in the database. The following includes a corrected INSERT statement that will not violate the primary key constraint.
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