Tuesday, October 27, 2009

4.1 Creating a JavaScript Variable

[ Team LiB ]

4.1 Creating a JavaScript Variable

NN 2, IE 3

4.1.1 Problem

want to create a JavaScript variable value either in the global space
or privately within a function.

4.1.2 Solution

Use the var keyword to define the first instance of
every variable, whether you assign a value to the variable
immediately or delay the assignment until later. Any variable defined
outside of a function is part of the global variable scope:

var myVar = someValue;

All script statements on the page, including those inside functions,
have read/write access to a global variable.

When you define a variable with var inside a
function, only statements inside the function can access that

function myFunction( ) {
var myFuncVar = someValue;

Statements outside of the function cannot reach the value of a
variable whose scope is limited to its containing function.

4.1.3 Discussion

A JavaScript variable has no inherent limit to the amount of data it
can hold. Maximum capacity is determined strictly by memory available
to the browser application�information not accessible to your

scope is an important concept to understand in JavaScript. Not only
is a global variable accessible by all script statements in the
current window or frame, but statements in other frames or windows
(served from the same domain and server) can access those global
variables by way of the window or frame reference. For example, a
statement in a menu frame can reference a global variable named
myVar in a frame named content
as follows:


You don't have to worry about the same global
variable names colliding when they exist in other windows or frames,
because the references to those variables will always be different.

Where you must exercise care is in defining a new variable inside a
function with the var keyword. If you fail to use the
keyword inside the function, the variable is treated as a global
variable. If you have defined a global variable with the same name,
the function's assignment statement overwrites the
value originally assigned to the global variable. The safest way to
avoid these kinds of problems is to always use the
var keyword with the first instance of any
variable, regardless of where it's located in your
scripts. Even though the keyword is optional for global variable
declarations, it is good coding style to use var
for globals as well. That way you can readily see where a variable is
first used in a script.

Although some programming languages distinguish between the tasks of
declaring a variable (essentially reserving memory space for its
value) and initializing a variable (stuffing a value into it),
JavaScript's dynamic memory allocation for variable
values unburdens the scripter of memory concerns. A variable is truly
variable in JavaScript in that not only can the value stored in the
variable change with later reassignments of values, but even the data
type of the variable's value can change (not that
this is necessarily good programming practice, but
that's simply a by-product of
JavaScript's loose data typing).

Speaking of good programming practice, it is generally advisable to
define global variables near the top of the script, just as
it's also advisable to define heavily used variables
inside a function at the top of the function. Even if you
don't have a value ready to assign to the variable,
you can simply declare the variable as undefined with a statement
like the following:

var myVar;

If you have multiple variables that you'd like to
declare, you may do so compactly by separating the variable names
with commas:

var myVar, counter, fred, i, j;

You may even combine declarations and initializations in a
comma-delimited statement:

var myVar, counter = 0, fred, i, j;

In examples throughout this book, you typically find variables being
declared or initialized at the top of their scope regions, but not
always. It's not unusual to find variables that are
about to be used inside a for loop defined (with
their var keywords) just before the loop
statements. For example, if a nested pair of loops is in the offing,
I may define the loop counter variables prior to the outer
loop's start:

var i, j;
for (i = 0; i < array1.length; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < array1[i].array2.length; j++) {

This is merely my style preference. But in any case, this situation
definitely calls for declaring the variables outside of the loops for
another reason. If you were to use the var
keywords in the loop counter initialization statements (e.g.,
var j =
0;), the nested loop would repeatedly invoke the
var declaration keyword each time the outer loop
executes. Internally, the JavaScript interpreter creates a new
variable space for each var keyword. Fortunately,
the interpreter is also able to keep track of which variable
repeatedly declared is the current one, but it places an unnecessary
burden on resources. Declare once, then initialize and reassign
values as often as needed. Thus, in complex functions that have two
or more outer for loops, you should declare the
counter variable at the top of the function, and simply initialize
the value at the start of each loop.

As for selecting the names for your variables, there are some
explicit rules and implicit customs to follow. The explicit rules are
more important. A
variable name cannot:

  • Begin with a numeral

  • Contain any spaces or other whitespace characters

  • Contain punctuation or symbols except the underscore character

  • Be surrounded by quote marks

  • Be a reserved ECMAScript keyword (see Appendix C)

Conventions among programmers with respect to devising names for
variables are not rigid, nor do they affect the operation of your
scripts. They do, however, help in readability and maintenance when
it comes time to remember what your script does six months from now.

The main idea behind a variable name is to help you identify what
kind of value the variable contains (in fact, names are commonly
called identifiers). Littering your scripts with a bunch of one- or
two-letter variables won't help you track values or
logic when reading the script. On the other hand, there are
performance reasons (see Recipe 4.8) to keep names from getting
outrageously long. The shorter the better, but not to the point of
cryptic ciphers. If you need two or more words to describe the value,
join the words together via underscore characters, or capitalize the
first character of any words after the first word (a convention used
throughout this book). Thus, either of the variable names in the
following initializations are fine:

var teamMember = "George";
var team_member = "George";

Apply these rules and concepts to the identifiers you assign to
element name and id attributes,
as well. Your scripts will then have no trouble using these
identifiers in DOM object references.

names are case-sensitive. Therefore, it is
permissible (although not necessarily advisable) to reuse an
identifier with different case letters to carry different values. One
convention that you might employ is to determine which variables
won't be changing their values during the execution
of your scripts (i.e., you will treat them as constants) and make
their names all uppercase. Netscape 6 and later implement a
forthcoming ECMAScript keyword called
const, which you use in place of
var to define a true constant value. No other
browser supports this keyword yet, so you can use variables as
constants and keep modification statements away from them.

JavaScript assigns data to a variable both "by
reference" and "by
value," depending on the type of data. If the data
is a true object of any kind (e.g., DOM object, array, custom
object), the variable contains a
"live" reference to the object. You
may then use that variable as a substitute reference to the object:

var elem = document.getElementById("myTable");
var padWidth = elem.cellPadding;

But if the data is a simple value (string, number, Boolean), the
variable holds only a copy of the value, with no connection to the
object from which the value came. Therefore, the
padWidth variable shown above simply holds a
string value; if you were to assign a new value to the variable, it
would have no impact on the table element. To set
the object's property, go back to the object
reference and assign a value to the property:

elem.cellPadding = "10";

If an object's property value is itself another
object, the variable receives that data as an object reference, still
connected to its object:

var elem = document.getElementById("myTable");
var elemStyle = elem.style;
elemStyle.fontSize = "18px";

Exercise care with DOM objects assigned to variables. It may seem as
though the variable is a mere copy of the object reference, but
changes you make to the variable value affect the document node tree.

4.1.4 See Also

Chapter 1, Chapter 2,
and Chapter 3 discuss assigning values of
different types�strings, numbers, arrays, and objects�to
variables; Recipe 4.8 for the impact of variable name length on

    [ Team LiB ]

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