Sunday, October 18, 2009

6.3 Multiple Server Security Models



6.3 Multiple Server Security Models

When sharing a physical

directory of web pages between the Apache httpd

web server and Tomcat on the same machine (or network filesystem),

beware of interactions between their respective security models. This

is particularly critical when you have "protected

directories." If you're using the

simplistic sharing modes detailed in Chapter 5,

such as load sharing using separate port numbers or proxying from

Apache to Tomcat, the servers have permission to read each

others' files. In these cases, be aware that Tomcat

does not protect files like .htaccess, and

neither Apache httpd nor

Microsoft's Internet Information Server (IIS)

protect a web application's


directories. Either of these is likely to lead to a major security

breach, so we recommend that you be very careful in working with

these special directories. You should instead use one of the

connector modules described in the latter sections of Chapter 5. These solutions are more complex, but they

protect your WEB-INF and

META-INF contents from view by the native web


To make Apache httpd protect your


directories, add the following to your


<LocationMatch "/WEB-INF/">

AllowOverride None

deny from all


<LocationMatch "/META-INF/">

AllowOverride None

deny from all


You can also configure Tomcat to send all

.htaccess requests to an error page, but

that's somewhat more difficult. In a stock Tomcat 4

installation, add a servlet-mapping to the end of

the $CATALINA_HOME/conf/web.xml

file's servlet-mapping entries:





This maps all requests for .htaccess in all web

applications to the invoker servlet, which in turn will generate an

"HTTP 404: Not Found" error page

because it can't load a servlet class by that name.

Technically, this is bad form, since if Tomcat

could find and load a class by the requested

name (.htaccess), it might run that class

instead of reporting an error. However, class names

can't begin with a period, so this is a pretty safe


Additionally, if you're not using the invoker

servlet, you should disable it; if it's disabled,

you can't map requests for specific names. The

proper way to configure Tomcat not to serve

.htaccess files is to write, compile, and

configure a custom error-generating servlet to which you can map

these forbidden requests. That is more of a programming topic; refer

to a text such as Java Servlet Programming, by

Jason Hunter (O'Reilly) for more details.



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