Friday, October 16, 2009

18.12. String Stream Processing

18.12. String Stream Processing

In addition to standard stream I/O
and file stream I/O, C++ stream I/O includes capabilities for inputting from,
and outputting to, strings in memory.
These capabilities often are referred to as in-memory I/O or string stream processing.

Input from a string is supported by
class istringstream.
Output to a string is supported by class ostringstream. The class names
istringstream and ostringstream are actually aliases defined
by the typedefs

typedef basic_istringstream< char > istringstream;
typedef basic_ostringstream< char > ostringstream;

Class templates basic_istringstream and
basic_ostringstream provide the same functionality as classes
istream and ostream plus other
member functions specific to in-memory formatting. Programs that use in-memory
formatting must include the <sstream> and
<iostream> header files.

One application of these techniques is
data validation. A program can read an entire line at a time from the input
stream into a string. Next, a validation
routine can scrutinize the contents of the string and correct (or repair) the data, if necessary. Then the
program can proceed to input from the string, knowing that the input data is in the proper

Outputting to a string is a nice
way to take advantage of the powerful output formatting capabilities of C++
streams. Data can be prepared in a string
to mimic the edited screen format. That string
could be written to a disk file to preserve the screen image.

An ostringstream object uses a string object to store the output data. The str member function of class
ostringstream returns a copy of that string.

Figure 18.11 demonstrates an
ostringstream object. The program creates ostringstream object
outputString (line 15) and uses the stream insertion
operator to output a series of strings and numerical values to the

Fig. 18.11. Using a dynamically allocated
ostringstream object.


 1   // Fig. 18.11: Fig18_11.cpp
2 // Using a dynamically allocated ostringstream object.
3 #include <iostream>
4 using std::cout;
5 using std::endl;
7 #include <string>
8 using std::string;
10 #include <sstream> // header file for string stream processing
11 using std::ostringstream; // stream insertion operators
13 int main()
14 {
15 ostringstream outputString; // create ostringstream instance
17 string string1( "Output of several data types " );
18 string string2( "to an ostringstream object:" );
19 string string3( "\n double: " );
20 string string4( "\n int: " );
21 string string5( "\naddress of int: " );
23 double double1 = 123.4567;
24 int integer = 22;
26 // output strings, double and int to ostringstream outputString
27 outputString << string1 << string2 << string3 << double1
28 << string4 << integer << string5 << &integer;
30 // call str to obtain string contents of the ostringstream
31 cout << "outputString contains:\n" << outputString.str();
33 // add additional characters and call str to output string
34 outputString << "\nmore characters added";
35 cout << "\n\nafter additional stream insertions,\n"
36 << "outputString contains:\n" << outputString.str() << endl;
37 return 0;
38 } // end main

outputString contains:
Output of several data types to an ostringstream object:
double: 123.457
int: 22
address of int: 0012F540

after additional stream insertions,
outputString contains:
Output of several data types to an ostringstream object:
double: 123.457
int: 22
address of int: 0012F540
more characters added

Lines 27–28 output string string1, string
, string string3, double double1, string
, int integer, string string5 and the address of
int integer—all to outputString in
memory. Line 31 uses the stream insertion operator and the call
outputString.str() to display a copy of the
string created in lines 27–28. Line 34
demonstrates that more data can be appended to the string in memory by simply issuing another stream insertion
operation to outputString. Lines 35–36 display string
after appending additional characters.

An istringstream object inputs
data from a string in memory to program
variables. Data is stored in an istringstream
object as characters. Input from the istringstream object works identically to input from any file. The end of
the string is interpreted by the istringstream object as

18.12 demonstrates input from an istringstream object. Lines 15–16
create string input containing the data and istringstream
object inputString constructed to contain the data in string
. The string input contains the data

Input test 123 4.7 A

which, when read as input to the program, consist of two
strings ("Input" and "test"), an int (123),
a double (4.7) and a char ('A'). These
characters are extracted to variables string1, string2,
integer, double1 and character in line 23.

Fig. 18.12. Demonstrating input from an
istringstream object.


 1   // Fig. 18.12: Fig18_12.cpp
2 // Demonstrating input from an istringstream object.
3 #include <iostream>
4 using std::cout;
5 using std::endl;
7 #include <string>
8 using std::string;
10 #include <sstream>
11 using std::istringstream;
13 int main()
14 {
15 string input( "Input test 123 4.7 A" );
16 istringstream inputString( input );
17 string string1;
18 string string2;
19 int integer;
20 double double1;
21 char character;
23 inputString >> string1 >> string2 >> integer >> double1 >> character;
25 cout << "The following items were extracted\n"
26 << "from the istringstream object:" << "\nstring: " << string1
27 << "\nstring: " << string2 << "\n int: " << integer
28 << "\ndouble: " << double1 << "\n char: " << character;
30 // attempt to read from empty stream
31 long value;
32 inputString >> value;
34 // test stream results
35 if ( inputString.good() )
36 cout << "\n\nlong value is: " << value << endl;
37 else
38 cout << "\n\ninputString is empty" << endl;
40 return 0;
41 } // end main

The following items were extracted
from the istringstream object:
string: Input
string: test
int: 123
double: 4.7
char: A

inputString is empty

The data is then output in lines 25–28.
The program attempts to read from inputString again in line 32. The
if condition in line 35 uses function good (Section
15.8) to test if any data remains. Because no
data remains, the function returns false and the else part of
the if...else statement is executed.


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