Friday, October 16, 2009

12.2 Creating a View

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12.2 Creating a View

In the next example,

we're going to use a plug-in to create a new view.

Start by creating a new plug-in project named

org.eclipsebook.ch12.Ch12_02. In the Plug-in Code

Generators pane, which you see in Figure 12-8,

select the "Plug-in with a view"

wizard and click Next.

Figure 12-8. Creating a plug-in with a view

In the following pane, give Eclipse Book as

the provider's name and click Next again to bring up

the Main View Settings dialog you see in Figure 12-9. In this pane, you set the name of the view

and its category�we'll stick with the

defaults, which will make this a table-based view (i.e., the items in

the view will be displayed in a table control) named Sample View in

the category Sample Category. Click Next again to bring up the final

pane of this wizard.

Figure 12-9. Configuring the view

The last pane,

shown in Figure 12-10, lets you configure the

view's actions, such as responding when the user

double-clicks an item in the view. Leave the defaults selected and

click Finish to create the framework for this plug-in.

Figure 12-10. Configuring the view's actions

Here are the files created and added to

the project's src folder:


|_ _org.eclipsebook.ch12.Ch12_02

| |_ The standard plug-in file


|_ _org.eclipsebook.ch12.Ch1202.views

| |_ The view file


|__ _plugin.xml

12.2.1 Adding Items to the View

The new view

is supported in, which

we're going to adapt so that it will display four

clickable items. In, the

SampleView class extends the

ViewPart class, which is the abstract class you

base views on in plug-ins:

public class SampleView extends ViewPart {

private TableViewer viewer;

private Action action1;

private Action action2;

private Action doubleClickAction;




Eclipse gets the content displayed in

the view by calling methods in an object that implements the

IStructuredContentProvider interface.

We're going to adapt the code in the class used to

create that object, the ViewContentProvider class,

to make the view display a set of four items, "Item

1" to "Item 4" in

this example. Here's the code:

class ViewContentProvider implements IStructuredContentProvider {

public void inputChanged(Viewer v, Object oldInput, Object newInput) {


public void dispose( ) {


public Object[] getElements(Object parent) {

return new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" };




view is created when Eclipse calls the

createPartControl method. Here's

how the code uses our ViewContentProvider class to

get the content for the view:

public void createPartControl(Composite parent) {

viewer = new TableViewer(parent, SWT.MULTI | SWT.H_SCROLL | SWT.V_SCROLL);

viewer.setContentProvider(new ViewContentProvider( ));

viewer.setLabelProvider(new ViewLabelProvider( ));

viewer.setSorter(new NameSorter( ));

viewer.setInput(ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace( ));

makeActions( );

hookContextMenu( );

hookDoubleClickAction( );

contributeToActionBars( );


That sets up our four new items, "Item

1" to "Item 4", in

the view. These items will appear in a table, one on top of the

other. The next step is to actually do something when the user wants

to work with one of these items.

12.2.2 Configuring View Actions

The rest of the code in supports the

view's actions when you click, double-click, or

right-click items in the view. We'll change the code

in the makeActions method to customize the

view's actions to display an appropriate message

when an item is selected or double-clicked; you get access to the

object corresponding to the item that was selected or double-clicked

this way: Object obj =


. Here's the modified code that will

determine which item the user wants to work with and display a

message that indicates the item by name:

private void makeActions( ) {

action1 = new Action( ) {

public void run( ) {

ISelection selection = viewer.getSelection( );

Object obj =

((IStructuredSelection)selection).getFirstElement( );

showMessage("You selected " + obj.toString( ));



action1.setText("Action 1");

action1.setToolTipText("Action 1 tooltip");

action1.setImageDescriptor(PlatformUI.getWorkbench( ).getSharedImages( ).


action2 = new Action( ) {

public void run( ) {

showMessage("Action 2 executed");



action2.setText("Action 2");

action2.setToolTipText("Action 2 tooltip");

action2.setImageDescriptor(PlatformUI.getWorkbench( ).getSharedImages( ).


doubleClickAction = new Action( ) {

public void run( ) {

ISelection selection = viewer.getSelection( );

Object obj =

((IStructuredSelection)selection).getFirstElement( );

showMessage("You double-clicked " + obj.toString( ));




As you can see, the code that the PDE

wizard creates is designed to be relatively easily modified. To see

this new view at work, start the Run-time Workbench and select

Window Show View Other. Select the Sample View

item in the Sample Category folder, as you see in Figure 12-11, and click OK to display the new view.

Figure 12-11. Showing the new view

The new view appears in Figure 12-12, where you can

see the four sample items we created at the bottom of Eclipse. Very

cool�we've added a new, functional view to


Figure 12-12. The new view


an item and selecting the Action Item 1 executes the code

we've added to display the message box you see in

Figure 12-13, where the selected item is identified.

Figure 12-13. Selecting an item

Similarly, double-clicking an item

displays the message box you see in Figure 12-14,

where the double-clicked item is identified in a message box.

Figure 12-14. Double-clicking an item

That's what we wanted to do�create a new view

and handle user actions with the items in the view.

We've been able to create plug-ins with views,

editors, and even wizards. Now that you've gotten

the basics of plug-in creation under your belt, our last topic in

this chapter will be about how to deploy your plug-ins.

     < Day Day Up > 

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