Sunday, October 25, 2009

Side -Effect-Free Functions

[ Team LiB ]

Side -Effect-Free Functions

Operations can be broadly divided into two categories, commands and queries. Queries obtain information from the system, possibly by simply accessing data in a variable, possibly performing a calculation based on that data. Commands (also known as modifiers) are operations that affect some change to the systems (for a simple example, by setting a variable). In standard English, the term side effect implies an unintended consequence, but in computer science, it means any effect on the state of the system. For our purposes, let's narrow that meaning to any change in the state of the system that will affect future operations.

Why was the term side effect adopted and applied to quite intentional changes affected by operations? I assume this was based on experience with complex systems. Most operations call on other operations, and those called invoke still other operations. As soon as this arbitrarily deep nesting is involved, it becomes very hard to anticipate all the consequences of invoking an operation. The developer of the client may not have intended the effects of the second-tier and third-tier operations�they've become side effects in every sense of the phrase. Elements of a complex design interact in other ways that are likely to produce the same unpredictability. The use of the term side effect underlines the inevitability of that interaction.

Interactions of multiple rules or compositions of calculations become extremely difficult to predict. The developer calling an operation must understand its implementation and the implementation of all its delegations in order to anticipate the result. The usefulness of any abstraction of interfaces is limited if the developers are forced to pierce the veil. Without safely predictable abstractions, the developers must limit the combinatory explosion, placing a low ceiling on the richness of behavior that is feasible to build.

Operations that return results without producing side effects are called functions. A function can be called multiple times and return the same value each time. A function can call on other functions without worrying about the depth of nesting. Functions are much easier to test than operations that have side effects. For these reasons, functions lower risk.

Obviously, you can't avoid commands in most software systems, but the problem can be mitigated in two ways. First, you can keep the commands and queries strictly segregated in different operations. Ensure that the methods that cause changes do not return domain data and are kept as simple as possible. Perform all queries and calculations in methods that cause no observable side effects (Meyer 1988).

Second, there are often alternative models and designs that do not call for an existing object to be modified at all. Instead, a new VALUE OBJECT, representing the result of the computation, is created and returned. This is a common technique, which will be illustrated in the example that follows. A VALUE OBJECT can be created in answer to a query, handed off, and forgotten�unlike an ENTITY, whose life cycle is carefully regulated.

VALUE OBJECTS are immutable, which implies that, apart from initializers called only during creation, all their operations are functions. VALUE OBJECTS, like functions, are safer to use and easier to test. An operation that mixes logic or calculations with state change should be refactored into two separate operations (Fowler 1999, p. 279). But by definition, this segregation of side effects into simple command methods only applies to ENTITIES. After completing the refactoring to separate modification from querying, consider a second refactoring to move the responsibility for the complex calculations into a VALUE OBJECT. The side effect often can be completely eliminated by deriving a VALUE OBJECT instead of changing existing state, or by moving the entire responsibility into a VALUE OBJECT.


Place as much of the logic of the program as possible into functions, operations that return results with no observable side effects. Strictly segregate commands (methods that result in modifications to observable state) into very simple operations that do not return domain information. Further control side effects by moving complex logic into VALUE OBJECTS when a concept fitting the responsibility presents itself.

SIDE-EFFECT-FREE FUNCTIONS, especially in immutable VALUE OBJECTS, allow safe combination of operations. When a FUNCTION is presented through an INTENTION-REVEALING INTERFACE, a developer can use it without understanding the detail of its implementation.

Refactoring the Paint-Mixing Application Again

A program for paint stores can show a customer the result of mixing standard paints. Picking up where we left off in the last example, here is the single domain class.

Figure 10.4.

public void mixIn(Paint other) {
volume =;
// Many lines of complicated color-mixing logic
// ending with the assignment of new red, blue,
// and yellow values.

Figure 10.5. The side effects of the mixIn() method

A lot is happening in the mixIn() method, but this design does follow the rule of separating modification from querying. One concern, which we'll take up later, is that the volume of the paint 2 object, the argument of the mixIn() method, has been left in limbo. Paint 2's volume is unchanged by the operation, which doesn't seem quite logical in the context of this conceptual model. This was not a problem for the original developers because, as near as we can tell, they had no interest in the paint 2 object after the operation, but it is hard to anticipate the consequences of side effects or their absence. We'll return to this question soon in the discussion of ASSERTIONS. For now, let's look at color.

Color is an important concept in this domain. Let's try the experiment of making it an explicit object. What should it be called? "Color" comes to mind first, but earlier knowledge crunching had already yielded the important insight that color mixing is different for paint than it is for the more familiar RGB light display. The name needs to reflect this.

Figure 10.6.

Factoring out Pigment Color does communicate more than the earlier version, but the computation is the same, still in the mixIn() method. When we moved out the color data, we should have taken related behavior with it. Before we do, note that Pigment Color is a VALUE OBJECT. Therefore, it should be treated as immutable. When we mixed paint, the Paint object itself was changed. It was an ENTITY with an ongoing life story. In contrast, a Pigment Color representing a particular shade of yellow is always exactly that. Instead, mixing will result in a new Pigment Color object representing the new color.

Figure 10.7.

public class PigmentColor {

public PigmentColor mixedWith(PigmentColor other,
double ratio) {
// Many lines of complicated color-mixing logic
// ending with the creation of a new PigmentColor object
// with appropriate new red, blue, and yellow values.

public class Paint {

public void mixIn(Paint other) {
volume = volume + other.getVolume();
double ratio = other.getVolume() / volume;
pigmentColor =
pigmentColor.mixedWith(other.pigmentColor(), ratio);

Figure 10.8.

Now the modification code in Paint is as simple as possible. The new Pigment Color class captures knowledge and communicates it explicitly, and it provides a SIDE-EFFECT-FREE FUNCTION whose result is easy to understand, easy to test, and safe to use or combine with other operations. Because it is so safe, the complex logic of color mixing is truly encapsulated. Developers using this class don't have to understand the implementation.

    [ Team LiB ]

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