Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Section 15.13.  Overview of Newer Spanning Tree Protocols

15.13. Overview of Newer Spanning Tree Protocols

The convergence time of the 802.1D-1998 STP was acceptable when it was first defined several years ago by the IEEE committee. However, it has proven too slow over the years, given the higher availability requirements of newer network applications, such as interactive multimedia (IP telephony, video conferencing, etc.), not to mention the user expectations that continuously grow.

To address this issue, various commercial bridge producers came out with proprietary enhancements to the STP. Unfortunately, proprietary enhancements often cannot be used in heterogeneous networks that employ devices from different vendors.

Recently the IEEE came out with two newer protocols, Rapid Spanning Tree (RSTP
) and Multiple Spanning Tree (MSTP), that address all the significant shortcomings currently known in their older brother, 802.1D. We cannot describe the two protocols here because they would require quite some space (especially MSTP), and anyway, none of them is implemented in Linux (yet). In the following two subsections, we will just explore some of the main improvements offered by the new protocols. For more detail, I suggest the following documents:

  • Understanding Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (802.1w)


  • Understanding Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (802.1s)


15.13.1. Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP)

The RSTP is backward compatible with 802.1D, so bridges running older and newer protocols can interoperate without problems. However, not all the enhancements introduced by the RSTP would be enabled in such heterogeneous environments. Here are some of the enhancements:

  • Each bridge port is now assigned a role. Ports that are neither designated nor root are assigned either the alternate or the backup role. Alternate is used for ports that represent alternate paths toward the root bridge (potential replacements for the current root path), and backup is used for ports that represent alternate paths to the subtree (potential replacements for the designated port). For example:

    • In Figure 15-10, BR2's port 2 would be an alternate port because it provides an alternate path to the root bridge.

    • In Figure 15-11(c), BR1's port 2 would be a backup port because it represents a candidate designated port, but another port on the same bridge has a better priority vector.

  • The possible states a port can be assigned have been simplified: the new discarding state includes the old, disabled, blocking and listening states.

  • RSTP is able to transition a port to the forwarding state much faster, by means of handshakes between ports and a mechanism called sync that makes sure loops are avoided. This new and interesting improvement in RSTP is effective only on point-to-point links.

  • When the root port is replaced, it can go to the forwarding state immediately (i.e., no need to wait two times for the Forward Delay timer to expire, as shown in Figure 15-6). This is possible because the protocol has a mechanism to ensure that this immediate transition to forwarding will not cause any loop.

  • The previous two enhancements alone imply a significantly faster convergence time, perhaps even a subsecond (depending on the complexity of the topology).

  • All bridges now run the Hello timer
    , and generate configuration BPDUs independently. This allows faster detection of connectivity problems.

  • The detection of connectivity problems is no longer dependent on the Max Age timer. Now, when a port that is supposed to receive BPDUs does not receive them for three Hello time periods in a row, it starts the recovery mechanism. The old Max Age timer is still there, but is used only when the new RSTP procedure, previously mentioned, is not applicable.

  • Topology changes are handled differently, too. There is no need for TCN BPDUs anymore. Now the bridge that detects a topology change simply transmits a BPDU with the TC flag set from its root and designated ports. Every other bridge that receives such a BPDU simply repeats the process: it transmits a BPDU with the TC flag set out of each of its forwarding ports, except the one from which it received the original. This is a simple mechanism for spreading the topology change notification in all directions. When a bridge receives a BPDU with the TC flag set, it does not start the Short Aging timer, but instead flushes the addresses learned on all its ports, except the one from which the BPDU was received.

  • The structure of the BPDUs used by RSTP has changed very little compared to STP. The flags field now uses all 8 bits to accommodate the needs of the newer enhancements.

At the time this chapter was written, there was no open source implementation of RSTP available for Linux. However, you can find a user-space simulator on SourceForge (

15.13.2. Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP)

MSTP was designed more or less at the same time RSTP was defined. The main enhancement it introduces is the possibility of defining multiple independent spanning trees. Each spanning tree carries its own subset of data traffic.

The selection of the spanning tree to use for each data packet is based on the VLAN where the packet originated. Figure 15-23 shows hosts configured on two different groups of VLANs, and for each group of VLANs the MSTP builds a separate spanning tree.

Figure 15-23. Example of bridged network that defines two spanning tree instances

From the hosts' perspective, the result is Figure 15-24.

Nowadays it is pretty common to use VLANs on bridged networks. It's a convenient way to create different L2 broadcast domains on bridged networks. The possibility of defining multiple spanning tree topologies on the same network has several advantages. Among them is better use of the network bandwidth (i.e., better use of redundant linksthat is, load balancing). This translates to a lower load on each link.

The MSTP uses the RSTP for each of its spanning tree instances. The protocol is actually more complex than it may seem: the different STP instances are independent, but there is one special instance that plays a central role in the protocol, especially with regard to how BPDUs are exchanged and how backward compatibility with previous protocols is maintained.

Figure 15-24. The two spanning trees in Figure 15-23

At the time this book was written, there was no open source implementation of the MSTP.

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