Thursday, October 22, 2009

Recipe 13.4. Enabling Remote Debugging

Recipe 13.4. Enabling Remote Debugging


You want to debug your Struts application running on a remote server.


Configure the JVM running your application server to use the
Java Platform
Debugger Architecture (JPDA). You will need to add the following
options to the java command that starts your
application server.

Recipe JDK 1.3


Recipe JDK 1.4


You can use any IDE or tool that supports JPDA debugging such as
Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, and JSWAT.


The JPDA has made debugging Java applications much easier: You can
use any debugging tool you want independently of the application
being debugged. JPDA allows you to debug a Java application running
in a separate JVM on a remote server on your network. Your local JVM,
running the debugger, connects to the remote JVM across the network
using the host name and a known port. In the Solution, the
address specifies the port.

This approach works well when the two computers are the
samefor example, your desktop machine.
JPDA permits you to
have two JVMsone for your IDE or debugger and one for the
application serverthat can work together. You no longer have
to run the application server and your IDE all within the same

If you're using Tomcat as your application server,
debugging is easier. Tomcat's startup scripts
include the JPDA options shown in the Solution. By default, Tomcat
reserves port 8000 for the JPDA port. Figure 13-2
shows how to start Tomcat, on a Linux/Unix machine, using the shell script.

Figure 13-2. Starting Tomcat in debug mode (Linux/Unix)

For Win32 machines, the catalina.bat startup
script configures JPDA to use shared memory instead of TCP/IP sockets
for the transport mechanism. The use of shared memory is only
supported by Win32, and most IDEs don't support
connecting using this transport; you're better
sticking with the socket approach. If you're using a
Tomcat on a Win32 machine, you have two main options: You can use the
Cygwin Unix emulator and execute the
shell script, or you can modify the catalina.bat
file to use sockets. Change the variables for the transport and
address as follows:

rem set JPDA_TRANSPORT=dt_shmem
set JPDA_TRANSPORT=dt_socket
rem set JPDA_ADDRESS=jdbconn

Of course, you can change the JPDA_ADDRESS to any available port you
like and execute the catalina.bat file to start
Tomcat in debug mode. Figure 13-3 shows the results.

Figure 13-3. Starting Tomcat in debug mode (Win32)

Once the application server is started, you connect to the
server's JVM using your debugger. You only need to
specify the host name and port for the remote JVM. As an example,
here's how you would configure Eclipse IDE for
debugging. You start by selecting Run
Debug . . . from the
Eclipse menus. Figure 13-4 shows the window
displayed for creating a new debug run configuration.

Figure 13-4. Configuring Eclipse for debugging

Clicking the Debug button will attach to the remote JVM. Figure 13-5 shows the Eclipse Debug perspective; here, the
breakpoint has been set within the Struts

Figure 13-5. Eclipse debug perspective

The latest IDEs have made debugging easier. If you debug using
System.out.println( ) calls, logging messages, and
educated guessing, learn how to use a debugger. It will save you
hours, you'll learn about your
application's internals, and you'll
probably have some fun in the process. And because you have free
access to the Struts source code, you can step down into the Struts
framework if needed.

See Also

JSWAT, a standalone, JPDA-compliant, open source debugger can be
downloaded from

To learn more about using JPDA, see

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