Saturday, October 31, 2009

Hack 88. Create a File Template

 < Day Day Up > 

Hack 88. Create a File Template

The Add New Item dialog isn't

set in stone. You can extend it by adding your own item or project


When you create a new file

in your Visual Studio Projects, you generally use the Add New Item dialog (see Figure 12-1). If you look at the categories listed on the

left half of that window, you can see that the dialog box is

organized according to the types of files you might need to create in

a given project type.

Visual Studio 2005 includes an enhanced and improved mechanism to

create item and project templates. These enhancements were not

available at the time of this writing, but stay tuned to for more

information when they become available.

Figure 12-1. Visual Studio .NET 2003 Add New Item dialog

Visual Studio provides many different types of template files for the

many different types of projects. Rather than just displaying them

all in a long list, the Visual Studio team provided some of the

gentle guidance you would expect. If you're working

on a Web Project, it initially displays all the templates for the

types of files that might be used in Web Projects. The most common

type of file that developers create in an ASP.NET Web Project is a

Web Form.

Accordingly, the Web Form template is first one in the list.

Once you choose a given template, you're provided

the chance to name the file that will be created from it. A fairly

generic name is suggested, like WebForm1.aspx

for those created from the Web Form template. You'll

almost always change this name.

The final steps are for Visual Studio to add the new file instance,

with your chosen filename, to your project and display it in the

editor pane of the IDE. Depending on the template you chose,

you'll see the appropriate initial content in the


It's what appears in that initial content that is up

for grabs in this hack. If this is a source code file,

you'll see plain text. The plain text is the starter

code or markup for the given file that you or another developer will

expand upon. This hack shows you how to create your own template and

have it produce the initial plain text you need.

12.4.1. Create Your Own Template

Visual Studio provides a number of built-in templates for nearly all

of the file types that are involved in the different types of .NET

applications. One hack opportunity is to take one of the existing

templates and just modify it to your needs. The other opportunity is

to create one from scratch, which is what I will be covering in this


12.4.2. Visual Studio .NET 2003 Is Missing a Template

Actually, in this hack, I'd like to make up for a

hole in Visual Studio. In addition to the Visual Studio IDE,

Microsoft also offers a free tool for web development called

Microsoft ASP.NET Web Matrix, or Web

Matrix for short. The Web Matrix is a small tool that is not as fully

featured as Visual Studio. Visual Studio is able to create many more

file types than the Web Matrix. So you'd think that

Visual Studio's set of templates would definitely be

the superset of file types. Not quite. There's an


Handler file type that appears in the Web Matrix Add New File dialog

(see Figure 12-2). Strangely enough, this is missing

from Visual Studio. So let's make up for this


Figure 12-2. ASP.NET Web Matrix Add New File dialog

Similar to the .aspx extension for the Web Form

templates, ASP.NET HTTP Handlers use an

.ashx extension. We won't

go into all the differences between a Web Form and an HTTP Handler in

this hack. The salient difference to note is that the initial text

that the HTTP Handler template uses will be different from the

Web Form template. Whereas the

.aspx file contains markup text with angle

brackets, the HTTP Handler template is actually all code; in this

case, it's C# or Visual Basic .NET.

12.4.3. Get Your Template Listed in the Add New Item Dialog

Navigate to the C:\Program

Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
folder. Depending

on what language (for example, C# or VB), look for either the VC# or

VB7 folder. Inside the given language folder, look for

CSharpProjectItems or

VBProjectItems, respectively. Compare the

filenames in the folders to the templates in the Add New Item dialog.

This is where Visual Studio stores templates. It uses a combination

of .vsz files and .vsdir

files. So to get our template display, we've got to

create the appropriate .vsz and

.vsdir files. The entry in the

.vsdir file will point to our

.vsz file. VSZ Files

Visual Studio .NET uses .vsz files to launch

wizards. These are simple text files

that look like the .ini files of old, but with

only one section.

To create a new VSZ file, you can copy one of the existing files or

start from scratch by creating a new text file in your favorite text

editor and saving it with the .vsz file

extension. Inside of the file, you first need to specify what version

of Visual Studio this template is for, which is done by specifying:


This tells Visual Studio that your template will function with Visual

Studio .NET 2002 (7.0) or 2003 (7.1).

You may notice that some of the templates have VSWIZARD 6.0

specified, meaning that the template was created for Visual Studio 6.

Templates with this specified are still understood and work with

Visual Studio .NET 2002 and 2003.

The next line specifies the class that should be used for the wizard.

In this example, I use VsWizard.VsWizardEngine.7.1

(the default wizard engine).

You could write your own wizard engine by creating a class that

implements the IDTWizard interface.

Next, you will need to specify any number of parameters to send to

the wizard engine. This example specifies the name of the wizard, the

type of project, and whether the wizard includes a UI. The complete

.vsz file can be seen here for a C# first and

then a VB.NET version of the HttpHandler:



Param="WIZARD_NAME = CSharpHTTPHandler"








The WIZARD_NAME parameter specifies the name of

the wizard, in these examples, either

CSharpHTTPHandler or


parameter specifies whether this is a simple template or a complete

wizard; in this example, we are just creating a template, so we will

pass false. The last parameter specifies the type of project this

item will be added to, CSPROJ and

VBPROJ, respectively.

 VSDir Files

VSDir files are simple text files that tell the Add New Item and New

Project dialogs what to display, including details like the name and


Just like the .vsz files, the

.vsdir files are plain text files. The format is

different though. There are multiple entries inside, one per line,

with the pipe symbol (|) separating the different

parts of the given entry.

While you can update one of the existing .vsdir

files, it is better to create a new .vsdir file.

If you modify one of the existing files, your changes will be

overwritten if the user reinstalls or repairs his installation of

Visual Studio.

First, create a new blank text file in your favorite text editor,

save it with an extension of .vsdir, and save it

in the Web Project Items subfolder. Next, you need to add a line that

represents the new template. Here is the code you need to add for C#

and VB.NET. (You should put all the code on a single line, rather

than wrapping it as it's shown here):


..\CSharpHTTPHandler.vsz| |HTTP Handler

|15|VSNet Hacks HTTPHandler




..\VBNETHTTPHandler.vsz| |HTTP Handler

|15| VSNet Hacks HTTPHandler



Although it is broken up here, all code should appear on one line in

the text file. These entries have up to nine parts.

Let's look at the VB.NET code as an example.

The first part (..\VBNETHTTPHandler.vsz) is the

relative path to the .vsz file for the template.

The second part (the space between the | and |) is optional and left

blank in this example.

The third part (HTTP Handler) contains the words

that go under the icon for the template in the Add New Item dialog,

so keep it short.

The fourth part (15) is important;

it's known as the SortPriority.

It determines the order in which the templates appear in the dialog.

The ones included with Visual Studio start with 10 and continue in

increments of 10. For example, the next template that normally

appears is the WebService template. It has a

SortPriority of 20. I use 15 so that this one

shows up between these two.

The fifth part (VSNet Hacks HTTPHandler) is the

description that appears in the box of the same dialog when you click

on the icon. You'll have a little more room for

this, but not much; it has to fit on a single line.

The sixth and seventh

({164B10B9-B200-11D0-8C61-00A0C91E29D5} and

4533) parts have to do with the icon

that'll be used in the dialog to represent this

custom template. The sixth part is the DLL path or CLSID of a DLL

that has an icon resource in it. You can just leave this the same as

the one used for the default WebForm. Similar to the resource strings

mentioned above, the seventh part is the resource number in that DLL

that points to the particular icon in the DLL. Stick with the one

from the WebForm for now. The eighth part (0) is a bit mask for some

flags; again, you should also stick with the values for the WebForm


The ninth part (HTTPHandler.ashx) is the last one.

It's the suggested filename I talked about earlier.

Set it to HTTPHandler.ashx. Visual Studio will

use this as a suggested base name and adjust it to

HTTPHandler<N>.ashx, where

N will get replaced with an increasing

integer in that pattern with which you're familiar


HTTPHandler2.ashx, etc.).

12.4.4. Wizards Directory Structure

Now that you've got the

Add New Item dialog supplied with the necessary

.vsz and .vsdir files, you

must put the template where Visual Studio expects it to be. Look back

in the VC# and VB folders for the

VC#Wizards and VBWizards

subfolders. Inside these folders, you'll find the

various wizards and templates.

Inside the wizards folders are further subfolders that contain each

individual wizard. The names of these folders match the

WIZARD_NAME parameter from the

.vsz files. So you'll want to

add a

CSharpHTTPHandler and

HTTPHandler folder to the

VC#Wizards and VBWizards


Inside these folders, you must follow some conventions for templates

and scripts that Visual Studio will require to be able to find your

files. You'll need a Templates folder and a Scripts

folder. Inside each of those folders needs to be a

1033 folder.

1033 isn't really a magic number.

It's a LocaleID that represents standard

English. Since we're just dealing with an English

installation of Visual Studio here, this is what the folder needs to

be named. If you were to use an installation of a different spoken

language, you should expect a different number.

12.4.5. HTTPHandler.ashx Template File

You now have nearly everything set up that

you need to have this hack work. You've got Visual

Studio acknowledging that your template exists. If you bring up the

Add New Item dialog box, you'll see an entry for the

HTTP Handler (see Figure 12-3). If you click the

Open button, it will now try to find the

HTTPHandler.ashx file in the

Templates/1033 folder of

VC#Wizards or VBWizards


Figure 12-3. Hacked Visual Studio .NET 2003 Add New Item dialog

Next, you need to create the actual template. Since

you're going to use the HTTP Handler from Web

Matrix, you can fire it up and copy the template or just use the

following code:


<%@ WebHandler language="VB" class="[!output SAFE_ITEM_NAME]" %>

Public Class [!output SAFE_ITEM_NAME] : Implements IHttpHandler

Public Sub ProcessRequest(context As HttpContext)

Implements IHttpHandler.ProcessRequest

' TODO: Write request handling code here

End Sub

Public ReadOnly Property IsReusable As Boolean

Implements IHttpHandler.IsReusable


Return True

End Get

End Property

End Class


<%@ WebHandler language="C#" 

class="[!output SAFE_NAMESPACE_NAME].[!output SAFE_CLASS_NAME]" %>

using System;

using System.Web;

namespace [!output SAFE_NAMESPACE_NAME] {

public class [!output SAFE_CLASS_NAME] : IHttpHandler {

public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) {

// TODO: Write request handling code here


public bool IsReusable {

get {

return true;





You will need to replace the names of the classes and namespaces with

[!output SAFE_NAMESPACE_NAME] or [!output

in C# or [!output

for the class name in VB.NET. These will be

replaced with namespace and class names by the wizard engine.

Change the name of the file to be

HTTPHandler.ashx so that it matches the

suggested base name you gave in the .vsdir file

entry. Save the file into the Templates/1033


If you are creating a C#

wizard, you next need to create an

.inf file that lists the files to add to your

project. Create a new text file in a text editor and add the

following line to that file:


Next, save the file with the name


12.4.6. Default.js Script

This is the final step. When Visual

Studio gets to the point of adding the template file to the project,

it invokes a

JavaScript file. This enables anyone

who wants to extend Visual Studio to be able to perform any custom

steps that might be necessary. The preferred choice for providing

this type of extension is scripting.

You don't need anything complicated to add the

HTTPHandler.ashx file to the project. Create a new

text file and add the following code to that text file:

C# template

function OnFinish(selProj, selObj)




var strProjectName = wizard.FindSymbol("PROJECT_NAME");


var strProjectPath = wizard.FindSymbol("TARGET_FULLPATH");

var InfFile = CreateInfFile( );

AddFilesToCSharpProject(selObj, strProjectName,

strProjectPath, InfFile, true);




if( e.description.length > 0 )


return e.number;




if( InfFile )

InfFile.Delete( );



function SetFileProperties(oFileItem, strFileName)



VB.NET template

function OnFinish(selProj, selObj)




var strItemName = wizard.FindSymbol("ITEM_NAME");

var strTemplatePath = wizard.FindSymbol("TEMPLATES_PATH");

var strTemplateFile = strTemplatePath + "\\HTTPHandler.ashx";

var item = AddFileToVSProject(strItemName, selProj,

selObj, strTemplateFile, true);

return 0;




if( e.description.length > 0 )


return e.number;



Save the file as default.js in the

Scripts/1033 folder of your wizard.

12.4.7. Try It Out

That's it. Create a Visual Studio .NET 2003 Project.

Bring up the Add New Item dialog. The HTTP Handler item should appear

as the second one in the dialog box. Adjust the

HTTPHandler1.aspx name if needed and click the

Open button. A new HTTPHandler.ashx file will

appear in your project .

Steven Dewalt

     < Day Day Up > 

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