Monday, October 19, 2009

2.2 Servlets

[ Team LiB ]

2.2 Servlets

JSP specification is based on the Java servlet specification. In
fact, JSP pages are often combined with servlets in the same
application. In this section, we take a brief look at what a servlet
is, and then discuss the concepts shared by servlets and JSP pages.
In Chapter 3, we'll take a closer
look at how JSP pages are actually turned into servlets

If you're already familiar with servlets, this is
old news. You can safely skip the rest of this chapter.

2.2.1 Advantages over Other Server-Side Technologies

simple terms, a servlet is a piece of code that adds new
functionality to a server (typically a web server), just like CGI and
proprietary server extensions such as NSAPI and ISAPI. But compared
to other technologies, servlets have a number of advantages:

Platform and vendor independence

All the major web servers and application servers support servlets,
so a servlet-based solution doesn't tie you to one
specific vendor. Also, servlets are written in the Java programming
language, so they can be used on any operating system with a Java
runtime environment.


Servlets are developed in Java and can therefore take advantage of
all other Java technologies, such as JDBC for database access, JNDI
for directory access, RMI for remote resource access, etc. Starting
with Version 2.2, the servlet specification is part of the Java 2
Enterprise Edition (J2EE), making servlets an important ingredient of
any large-scale enterprise application, with formalized relationships
to other server-side technologies such as Enterprise JavaBeans.


Servlets execute in a process that is running until the servlet-based
application is shut down. Each servlet request is executed as a
separate thread in this permanent process. This is far more efficient
that the CGI model, where a new process is created for each request.
First of all (and most obvious), a servlet doesn't
have the overhead of creating the process and loading the CGI script
and possibly its interpreter. But another timesaver is that servlets
can also access resources that remain loaded in the process memory
between requests, such as database connections and persistent state.


By virtue of being written in Java and the broad support for
servlets, a servlet-based application is extremely scalable. You can
develop and test the application on a Windows PC using the standalone
servlet reference implementation, and deploy it on anything from a
more powerful server running Linux and Apache to a cluster of
high-end servers with an application server that supports
loadbalancing and failover.

Robustness and security

Java is a strongly typed programming language. This means that you
catch a lot of mistakes in the compilation phase that you would only
catch during runtime if you used a script language such as Perl.
Java's error handling is also much more robust than
C/C++, where an error such as division by zero typically brings down
the whole server.

In addition, servlets use specialized interfaces to server resources
that aren't vulnerable to the traditional security
attacks. For instance, a CGI Perl script typically uses shell command
strings composed of data received from the client to ask the server
to do things such as send email. People with nothing better to do
love to find ways to send data that will cause the server to crash,
remove all files on the hard disk, or plant a virus or a backdoor
when the server executes the command. While a CGI script programmer
must be very careful to screen all input to avoid these threats, such
problems are almost nonexistent with a servlet because it
doesn't communicate with the server in the same
insecure way.[2]

[2] However, servlet-based web sites are
vulnerable to so-called cross site scripting attacks (see
the same way all dynamic web sites are, no matter which technology is

As you will see in Chapter 3, JSP inherits all
these advantages because it's based on the servlet

2.2.2 Servlet Containers

A servlet container is the connection
between a web server and the servlets. It provides the runtime
environment for all the servlets on the server as defined by the
servlet specification, and is responsible for loading and invoking
those servlets when the time is right. The container typically loads
a servlet class when it receives the first request for the servlet,
gives it a chance to initialize itself, and then asks it to process
the request. Subsequent requests use the same, initialized servlet
until the server is shut down. The container then gives the servlet a
chance to release resources and save its state (for instance,
information accumulated during its lifetime).

There are many different types of servlet containers. Some containers
are called
and are used to add servlet support to web servers without native
servlet support (such as Apache and IIS). They can run in the same
operating-system process as the web server or in a separate process.
Other containers are standalone servers. A
standalone server includes
web server functionality to provide full support for HTTP in addition
to the servlet runtime environment. Containers can also be
embedded in other servers, such as a
climate-control system, to offer a web-based interface to the system.
A container bundled as part of an application server can distribute
the execution of servlets over multiple hosts. The server can balance
the load evenly over all containers, and some servers can even
provide failover capabilities in case a host crashes.

No matter what type it is, the servlet container is responsible for
mapping an incoming request to a servlet registered to handle the
resource identified by the URI and passing the request message to
that servlet. After the request is processed, it's
the container's responsibility to convert the
response created by the servlet into an HTTP response message and
send it back to the client. This is illustrated in Figure 2-4.

Figure 2-4. Request dispatching

2.2.3 Servlet Contexts and Web Applications

A Java web application is typically made up
by a combination of several different types of resources: JSP pages,
servlets, applets, static HTML pages, custom tag libraries and other
Java class files. Containers compliant with the Servlet 2.2
specification (or later), support a standard, portable way to package
all these resources, along with a web application deployment
descriptor containing information about how all the resources fit
together. The deployment descriptor and all the other web application
files are arranged in a well-defined hierarchy within an archive
file, called a web application
(WAR). All compliant
containers provide tools for installing a WAR file or a special
directory where a WAR file is automatically picked up (such as the
webapps directory in Tomcat). Most containers
also support web applications deployed directly in a filesystem using
the same file structure as is defined for the WAR file, which can be
convenient during development.

Within the container, each web application is represented by a
servlet context. The
servlet context is associated with a unique URI path prefix called
the context
path, as shown in Figure 2-4.
For instance, your human resources application can be associated with
the context path /hr and your sales tracking
system with the context path /sales. This allows
one servlet container to distinguish between the different
applications it serves and dispatch requests like
/sales/report?month=Jan to the sales tracking
application and /hr/emplist to the human
resources application.

The remaining URI path is then used within the selected context to
decide how to process the request by comparing it to path-mapping
rules defined by the application's deployment
descriptor. Rules can be defined to send all requests starting with
/report to one servlet and requests starting
with /forecast to another. Another type of
mapping rule can say that one servlet handles all requests with paths
ending with a specific file extension, such as
.jsp. This is how JSP page requests are handled.
Figure 2-4 shows how the different parts of the URI
paths are used to direct the request processing to the right resource
through the container and context.

Each context is self-contained and doesn't know
anything about other applications running in the same container.
References between the servlets and JSP pages in the application are
commonly relative to the context path and, therefore, are referred to
context-relative paths. By using context-relative paths
within the application, a web application can be deployed using any
context path.

Finally, a context can hold objects shared by all components of the
application,[3] such as database connections and other shared resources
needed by multiple servlets and JSP pages.

[3] Special considerations must be taken for
applications distributed over multiple servers. Chapter 18 describes this in more detail.

The web application structure, the deployment file format, and the
ability to share objects among components in an application are three
important parts of the servlet specification that also apply to JSP.
We will look at all these areas in much greater detail later in this
book, starting with the basics in Chapter 5 and
adding more advanced features as needed in the following

    [ Team LiB ]

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